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I was hoping the image was from Die Hard: With a Vengeance before I clicked.

In regards to Spencer's power - few other people were being interviewed that day, at length. And even less people were making speeches in Washington DC.

All this said, the American legal system has a great history of protecting the KKK, the Nazi party, and the Nationalist Movement's free speech and despite my post is very unwilling to

Also, a Nazi shot an anarchist at a protest (https://twincitiesgdc.org/2017/01/22/seattleshootingpr/) soon after somebody punched Spencer. Why aren't people defending the anarchist on Twitter, at length, ad nauseum. It's just really... weird, I guess.

Not presupposing any conclusions here, just trying to further the discussion.

IMO it's the weakest of the series not including the reboots in the 2000's which I don't even consider canon and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise :P

I hadn't heard about the shooting, but I think you've asked a pretty interesting question-one I will admit just looking at the reaction to Spencer alone I'm afraid to find an answer to.

Regardless of which "side" is more in the right or alternatively (see what I did there?) wrong about it, however you want to define "it", things are escalating towards a weird place and the terminus doesn't look pretty just by how we've gone about the last few weeks.

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