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Stories from February 4, 2009
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1. Don't use css or table layout, use Sass and Compass instead (gom-jabbar.org)
108 points by gommm on Feb 4, 2009 | 33 comments
2. Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic (glinden.blogspot.com)
106 points by quoderat on Feb 4, 2009 | 41 comments
3. Dear HN, I'm worried about us
91 points by andreyf on Feb 4, 2009 | 113 comments
4. "Joel Spolksy is wrong about my work" - Kent Beck (threeriversinstitute.org)
85 points by bjclark on Feb 4, 2009 | 98 comments
5. Ask HN: Emacs users on OS X, what's your setup?
73 points by shutter on Feb 4, 2009 | 65 comments
6. Damian Katz - Why he decided to create couchDB (infoq.com)
73 points by dantheman on Feb 4, 2009 | 7 comments
7. Mathematica home edition, finally. $300. (wolfram.com)
65 points by herdrick on Feb 4, 2009 | 35 comments
8. Posterous (YC S08) launches universal bookmarklet (venturebeat.com)
57 points by rantfoil on Feb 4, 2009 | 16 comments
9. Bill Gates unleashes mosquitoes on TED conference (alleyinsider.com)
55 points by fromedome on Feb 4, 2009 | 23 comments
10. How Depressions Work (aaronsw.com)
54 points by ph0rque on Feb 4, 2009 | 95 comments
11. Singularly Stupid (law.harvard.edu)
54 points by bdfh42 on Feb 4, 2009 | 41 comments
12. Heyzap (YC W09) launches: The forming of Heyzap and some lessons learnt (immadsnewworld.com)
53 points by aston on Feb 4, 2009 | 67 comments
13. How Amazon's EC2 Service Was Born (layer8.net)
49 points by brentb on Feb 4, 2009 | 24 comments
14. Why Doing Things Half Right Gives You the Best Results (harvardbusiness.org)
49 points by peter123 on Feb 4, 2009 | 13 comments
15. Ruby 1.9 Internals: Ordered Hash (igvita.com)
48 points by igrigorik on Feb 4, 2009 | 11 comments
16. My startup makes jellyfish aquariums
43 points by andon11 on Feb 4, 2009 | 29 comments
17. Google introduces Loopt competitor (google.com)
41 points by emmett on Feb 4, 2009 | 14 comments
18. See where your friends are with Google Latitude (googleblog.blogspot.com)
37 points by mqt on Feb 4, 2009 | 36 comments
19. My path to Clojure (n01se.net)
36 points by mindaugas on Feb 4, 2009 | 18 comments
20. Goodbye Facebook (newsweek.com)
35 points by newsit on Feb 4, 2009 | 28 comments
21. Models vs. Modules (37signals.com)
35 points by brm on Feb 4, 2009 | 8 comments
22. I'minlikewithyou (YC S06) hires new CEO, changing names. Next: Revenue (alleyinsider.com)
33 points by fromedome on Feb 4, 2009 | 10 comments
23. $10 Laptop is Huge Disappointment ($30 and not a laptop) (tomshardware.com)
28 points by Retric on Feb 4, 2009 | 13 comments
24. VMware has open sourced their client for virtual desktop (eweek.com)
28 points by nishantmodak on Feb 4, 2009 | 11 comments
25. NYTimes releases Article Search API (nytimes.com)
25 points by bdotdub on Feb 4, 2009 | 3 comments
26. Why We Need a War on Aging (fightaging.org)
24 points by MikeCapone on Feb 4, 2009 | 100 comments
27. Precious photos disappear (sfgate.com)
22 points by sarvesh on Feb 4, 2009 | 17 comments
28. Poll: What proportion of start-ups/non-start-ups use automated unit tests/TDD?
22 points by swombat on Feb 4, 2009 | 40 comments
29. How Harvard Law threw down the gauntlet to the RIAA (arstechnica.com)
21 points by jasonlbaptiste on Feb 4, 2009 | 3 comments
30. Working from Home Part 2: Why It’s Great (geeksinboston.com)
19 points by shimon on Feb 4, 2009 | 9 comments

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