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Posterous (YC S08) launches universal bookmarklet (venturebeat.com)
57 points by rantfoil on Feb 4, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

For those who might want to cut to the chase: http://posterous.com/help/bookmarklet/

The mouse rollover image is brilliant.

Neat. Small nitpick, on my browser (mozilla 3.0.5) the button on the submission form hangs outside of the popup.

This looks a bit like 'furl', I really like your clean layout and no-nonsense approach of the site.

I'll give it a spin for a while and see if it sticks. Congratulations on a job well done!

Sorry, do you mind if I get a screenshot from you? Haven't seen that before on my own computer, but definitely want to resolve it asap.

garry [a.t] posterous.com

ok, it's underway. Let me know when you think it's fixed and I'll try again.

in case the mail doesn't get through:


Congrats on the bookmarklet guys! Tumblr better watch out...

It seems to be making NoScript go nuts. Delicious bookmarking still works, but it obviously doesn't need to get content from the page. I tried adding things to the whitelist but haven't gotten it to work yet. Any ideas?

Ok. I didn't see the Unsafe Reload option. That works.

You guys are seriously amazing. Keep up the good work.

Great job Garry, Sachin. I'm playing with it now :)

Comment from Garry "...possibly later today". Wow!

Anthony Ha should have done a bit more research--and not admit he doesn't use the other site. Tumblr's bookmarklet is smart enough to discern where the media originates from. Ie. If it's youtube.com, it adds in embed code whereas if it's another video site it makes it a link.

That said, it doesn't have as much of a complete support of sites like Posterous does, so great job on the technical chain combo.

Cool!.Count me in your user count :)

No Opera :-( why?

Opera is barfing on asynchronous loading of the javascript when clicking the bookmarklet. I get "Script not loaded" errors with no way to better understand what's happening.

If I load my bookmarklet.js file directly in cache, it works fine.

Definitely looking for advice, but googling around has yielded me no breadcrumbs in the search for solving this issue.

I'm just guessing... but maybe because it only holds about 2% market share?

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