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Stories from August 6, 2008
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1. A Coder in Courierland (kuro5hin.org)
83 points by hhm on Aug 6, 2008 | 29 comments
2. Ididwork (YC Summer 08) Launches (techcrunch.com)
75 points by sgupta on Aug 6, 2008 | 61 comments
3. Ticketstumbler (YC Summer 08) launches (techcrunch.com)
59 points by sharpshoot on Aug 6, 2008 | 93 comments
4. Mistakes in Web Design (useit.com)
53 points by iamelgringo on Aug 6, 2008 | 40 comments
5. The price difference between Macs and PCs widens (chron.com)
49 points by spydez on Aug 6, 2008 | 104 comments
6. Press and Viral aren't the only two marketing and distribution strategies (immadsnewworld.com)
41 points by immad on Aug 6, 2008 | 9 comments
7. Launchbox Startups (techcrunch.com)
35 points by vaksel on Aug 6, 2008 | 31 comments
8. The Easy Way to Extract Useful Text from Arbitrary HTML (ai-depot.com)
33 points by danw on Aug 6, 2008 | 11 comments
9. Hamlet (Facebook News Feed Edition) (mcsweeneys.net)
31 points by dbreunig on Aug 6, 2008 | 8 comments
10. Old Masters and Young Geniuses (kottke.org)
30 points by hhm on Aug 6, 2008 | 16 comments
11. How magicians control your mind (boston.com)
26 points by robg on Aug 6, 2008 | 11 comments
12. How to Be a Public Company CEO (ryanallis.com)
25 points by breck on Aug 6, 2008 | 9 comments
13. The Most Valuable Lesson I Learned Pursuing a Finance Major (seomoz.org)
20 points by randfish on Aug 6, 2008 | 10 comments
14. Hyperion’s Nuclear-In-A-Box Ready By 2013 (earth2tech.com)
18 points by robg on Aug 6, 2008 | 21 comments
15. Build Your Own Nasa Apollo Landing Computer (no kidding) (galaxiki.org)
19 points by iamelgringo on Aug 6, 2008 | 4 comments
16. Dell announces it is now 100% carbon neutral, 5 months ahead of schedule (treehugger.com)
18 points by MikeCapone on Aug 6, 2008 | 19 comments
17. Startup Hacks: An Early Stage Checklist (mashable.com)
16 points by jasonlbaptiste on Aug 6, 2008 | 4 comments
18. Getting Real 2 update: First draft done, publisher search continues (37signals.com)
15 points by pbnaidu on Aug 6, 2008 | 2 comments
19. Google releases Insights for Search, an extension of Google Trends (nytimes.com)
13 points by ilamont on Aug 6, 2008 | 1 comment
20. Ask YC: MacBook alternative?
15 points by ichverstehe on Aug 6, 2008 | 59 comments
21. Beerware License: Best Open Source License Ever. (wikipedia.org)
14 points by iamelgringo on Aug 6, 2008 | 3 comments
22. Going Back to School: Picking Up Where Facebook Left Off (techcrunch.com)
14 points by agotterer on Aug 6, 2008 | 8 comments
23. Anyvite takes aim at the Evite juggernaut (thestandard.com)
13 points by jmorin007 on Aug 6, 2008 | 5 comments
24. Ideas for color palettes (colourlovers.com)
13 points by iamelgringo on Aug 6, 2008 | 4 comments
25. Ask HN: Legality of Web Scraping User-Submitted Content?
13 points by brandon272 on Aug 6, 2008 | 47 comments
26. Ask YC: accounting help
11 points by codilechasseur on Aug 6, 2008 | 18 comments
27. The New York Region Is Hot (in technology) (centernetworks.com)
11 points by timr on Aug 6, 2008 | 2 comments
28. Reinventing news on the web. (laserlike.com)
11 points by mspeiser on Aug 6, 2008 | 1 comment
29. Hey HN NYC, interested in a meetup this weekend?
10 points by daveambrose on Aug 6, 2008 | 16 comments
30. Personal Health: Sorting Out Coffee’s Contradictions (nytimes.com)
9 points by robg on Aug 6, 2008 | 3 comments

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