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Build Your Own Nasa Apollo Landing Computer (no kidding) (galaxiki.org)
19 points by iamelgringo on Aug 6, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

I'm truly impressed and would love to play around with my own version.

But it is funny how re-creating forty-year-old technology is now considered an achievement.

There's something moderately worthwhile about being the first person to build a home-made replica of the Apollo landing computer.

But I see nothing remotely worthwhile about being the second, using the plans put together by the first.

There's something moderately worthwhile about being the first person to write a replica of the "Hello, World." program.

But I see nothing remotely worthwhile about being the second, using plans put together by the first.

Gee, I suppose no one could learn anything by doing that.

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