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Hey HN NYC, interested in a meetup this weekend?
10 points by daveambrose on Aug 6, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments
Any interest in a get together at Shake Shack on Saturday, August 9?

This is on, for those interested.

Noon at Shake Shack on Saturday, August 9. Look for me in a light blue Plaxo tshirt.

Also interested! What time?

There is a google group, BTW: http://groups.google.com/group/nyyc

Wow. I have plans but I might just have to break them if Shake Shack is involved...

Cool, but what's Shake Shack?

Burgers and Ice Cream and stuff - http://shakeshacknyc.com/about.html

My name is Amrith. I would be interested in joining as well. Is this still on?

I might be free, but it's only been three weeks. Maybe the weekend after?

I don't think we have to be regular about it....

I'd be interested in attending as well if enough people can make it.

Just something casual, I figure.

Meet at 12? Chat in line, get food, hang out, etc....

And we recognize each other, how?

I can wear some Plaxo or Facebook tshirt so people can recognize me and then the fun starts there!

I can be in too. What time we talking?

So is this on?

I'll be there.

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