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Don't Feed the Thought Leaders (earthly.dev)
1 point by fanf2 14 days ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 3 months ago | past
The Montreal problem: Why programming languages need a style czar (earthly.dev)
98 points by ingve 4 months ago | past | 197 comments
Self-Hosted Earthly Satellites (earthly.dev)
5 points by ingve 4 months ago | past | 1 comment
From Go to Rust: The Two Types of Readable Code (earthly.dev)
43 points by hasheddan 5 months ago | past | 20 comments
Validate Your YAML (With Cue) (earthly.dev)
1 point by teleforce 5 months ago | past
Incremental Rust Builds in CI (earthly.dev)
12 points by ingve 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Optimizing Rust Build Speed with Sccache (earthly.dev)
2 points by ingve 5 months ago | past
Showboaters, Maximalists and You (earthly.dev)
1 point by thunderbong 5 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
3 points by thunderbong 5 months ago | past
Printf Debugging and Srinivasa Ramanujan (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 5 months ago | past
Show HN: Earthly v0.8 – Auto-Skip (earthly.dev)
3 points by adamgordonbell 5 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 6 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
3 points by PaulHoule 6 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 6 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
3 points by adamgordonbell 6 months ago | past
Rust, Ruby, and the Art of Implicit Returns (earthly.dev)
3 points by todsacerdoti 6 months ago | past | 5 comments
Understanding Awk (earthly.dev)
3 points by blueblueue 6 months ago | past | 2 comments
LLMs Make Programming Language Learning Curves Shallower (earthly.dev)
2 points by PaulHoule 6 months ago | past
LLMs Make Programming Language Learning Curves Shallower (earthly.dev)
1 point by veqq 7 months ago | past | 1 comment
The Future Is Rusty (earthly.dev)
5 points by thunderbong 7 months ago | past | 2 comments
Incremental Rust Builds in CI (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 7 months ago | past
A Brief, Incomplete and Mostly Wrong DevOps Glossary (earthly.dev)
2 points by rrampage 9 months ago | past
A Brief, Incomplete and Mostly Wrong DevOps Glossary (earthly.dev)
29 points by adamgordonbell 9 months ago | past | 5 comments
Diluting Dora: How Marketers Bastardize Engineering Best Practices (earthly.dev)
2 points by adamgordonbell 10 months ago | past
Diluting Dora: How Marketers Bastardize Engineering Best Practices (earthly.dev)
4 points by adamgordonbell 10 months ago | past | 2 comments
We built the fastest CI and it failed (earthly.dev)
450 points by adamgordonbell 10 months ago | past | 297 comments
Three Ways to Do Developer Experience (earthly.dev)
1 point by adamgordonbell 10 months ago | past
Developer Experience Three Ways (earthly.dev)
1 point by adamgordonbell 11 months ago | past
Green vs. brown programming languages (2021) (earthly.dev)
158 points by adamgordonbell 11 months ago | past | 94 comments

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