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LifeWiki (The Wiki for Conway's Game of Life) (conwaylife.com)
1 point by RafelMri 5 months ago | past
0E0P Metacell (conwaylife.com)
1 point by isoprophlex 6 months ago | past | 1 comment
Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction (conwaylife.com)
55 points by teleforce on Feb 15, 2023 | past | 3 comments
Walrus: A newc/8 “Life” spaceship found (conwaylife.com)
2 points by ColinWright on Jan 14, 2023 | past
Conway's Game of Life – Mathematics and Construction (conwaylife.com)
2 points by Schiphol on Aug 8, 2022 | past
Conway's Game of Life – Mathematics and Construction [pdf] (conwaylife.com)
87 points by ColinWright on April 12, 2022 | past | 22 comments
Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction (conwaylife.com)
1 point by beefman on March 18, 2022 | past
Conway's Game of Life Textbook (conwaylife.com)
4 points by daviddisco on March 17, 2022 | past
Conway's Game of Life – Mathematics and Construction (conwaylife.com)
3 points by hexomancer on March 11, 2022 | past
List of life-like cellular automata (conwaylife.com)
109 points by shmageggy on Feb 20, 2022 | past | 10 comments
List of Long-Lived Methuselahs (conwaylife.com)
1 point by tosh on Jan 22, 2022 | past
Conway's Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction (conwaylife.com)
2 points by mmettler on Jan 5, 2022 | past
New “Speed Demonoid” Spaceship in Conway's Game of Life (conwaylife.com)
2 points by dvgrn on Nov 2, 2020 | past | 1 comment
Sir Robin (conwaylife.com)
1 point by reedwolf on May 29, 2020 | past
Primer (conwaylife.com)
1 point by lelf on Jan 17, 2020 | past
Creating a Pixel in Conway's Game of Life (conwaylife.com)
3 points by putzdown on Dec 31, 2019 | past
Elementary Knightship found in Conway's Game of Life (conwaylife.com)
733 points by vanderZwan on March 8, 2018 | past | 143 comments
Elementary Knightship (in Conway's Game of Life) (conwaylife.com)
3 points by OscarCunningham on March 7, 2018 | past | 2 comments
Maze generating cellular automaton (conwaylife.com)
1 point by personjerry on April 17, 2017 | past
Is this c/10 spaceship known? (conwaylife.com)
380 points by morninj on March 9, 2016 | past | 90 comments
OTCA metapixel (2010) (conwaylife.com)
14 points by jasoncrawford on Nov 17, 2015 | past | 2 comments
Maze (Life-like cellular automaton) (conwaylife.com)
3 points by networked on Sept 5, 2015 | past
LifeWiki (conwaylife.com)
89 points by lelf on April 19, 2015 | past | 11 comments
LifeWiki (conwaylife.com)
1 point by lelf on April 19, 2015 | past
Universal Constructor Based Spaceship in Conway's Life (2010) (conwaylife.com)
15 points by dcminter on Feb 4, 2015 | past | 5 comments
R-pentomino: 1103 generations of life from 5 cells (conwaylife.com)
1 point by dave1010uk on March 5, 2013 | past
Busy Beaver Turmite Challenge (conwaylife.com)
1 point by tim_hutton on Feb 5, 2013 | past | 1 comment
Life Wiki: a menagerie of Conway's Game of Life (conwaylife.com)
2 points by sp332 on March 12, 2012 | past
OTCA metapixel - a Game of Life pattern that runs the Game of Life (conwaylife.com)
2 points by JonnieCache on March 3, 2011 | past | 2 comments

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