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LifeWiki (conwaylife.com)
89 points by lelf on April 19, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

In case anyone has a Novation Launchpad, I made Conway's Game of Life for it when I was first learning Clojure[0]. It's fun playing with cells you can press.

Unfortunately there's a lot that I would do differently now that I know a little more what I am doing with Clojure, but I haven't had the time to go back and clean it up.

[0] https://github.com/lgastako/lifepad

Life was the first non trivial program I ever coded. It was in GW Basic and required you to input the cells by typing in their grid coordinates one at a time. and it rendered the steps in the simulations using asterisks on the screen.

I learned about off by one errors and multidimensional arrays coding it. I still remember the rush of elation when I first rendered the blinker on screen and it worked.

For those who are interested in a simple Python implementation of the automa described in the wiki:


The forums are also interesting (and active):


Super interesting site. There's an interactive (javascript based) grid here - http://academo.org/demos/conways-game-of-life/ - where you can input the patterns and watch them animate over time. Never fails to entertain.

If you want to test theses out : http://conwaylife.appspot.com/library

In my opinion one of the most interesting courses on coursera called Model Thinking had a few segments devoted to this..


Ruby version with multiple competing populations:


See also the elixir branch.

Warning: do not visit this wiki if you need to be productive today.

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