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Universal Constructor Based Spaceship in Conway's Life (2010) (conwaylife.com)
15 points by dcminter on Feb 4, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Am I understanding this correctly—that this is a spaceship that moves across the Life grid by building a copy of itself and then destroying the old one?

I believe from the forum comments, and my knowledge of the simulation, that you are correct.

Let's refer to it as "teleportation", please. I don't believe that a spaceship is 'destroyed' or 'created' when this happens.

-signed, Thomas Riker.

I believe so - it's referred to as "Gemini" at the end of the video and it matches up with my (rather handwavy) understanding from reading the forum posts.

I love this kind of in-depth esoteric technical discourse even when as here I have only the most superficial understanding of what they're discussing!

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