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Wow - you're keeping an eye on us.

Hey! Thanks for trying out the extensions...

"go private" does two things:

it launches a 1-hour conversation that allows anyone you @mention in the tweet and from that point on you are in SecretSocial-land having real-time conversations...

there is still a 140 char limit but you can post as many times as you like, it is all kept in context!

Hiya - Aquarin... ICQ, Skype et al, log everything. We don't. The privacy policy is simple: end conversation, end all data about it as well.

Additionally, I encourage you to try the service in "Sudden Death" mode with someone you know - whoever is in one of those conversations can terminate it at any time resulting in everyone losing the conversation simultaneously.

This is very different from a user simply exiting IRC or leaving an ICQ chat or having a pseudo-offline conversation on GTalk!

yeah the uprotect.it guys are very facebook-centric and they let the user decide on privacy...

SecretSocial is a standalone service letting you engage users on SMS, Email or Twitter. So people you know and people you don't can be engaged...

plus we are conversation-centric... the topic and need to communicate dictates the initiation.... very different from group-driven messaging.

Try out the Chrome extension as well to experience it fully!

Interesting use-case Seth, we'll call it "message in a bottle" mode.

Thanks for the good wishes! have a great weekend!

SecretSocial: a real-time conversation service that automatically cleans up after you are done.

Could you please be less specific?

The Chrome extension page has some neat screenshots:


Enjoy it. We really don't want to project any use-cases for this service because it is so flexible and natural to experience with.

Try out the SecretSocial Chrome extension too:



Give this a whirl will ya? http://bit.ly/eN5SWU

Only 25 mins left...

Hey - anybody want to chat about iPad2 over here? the conversation is temporary (1hr), so let loose!... and help stress test the product out:


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