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Will today's Apple event be webcast? (scripting.com)
9 points by davewiner on March 2, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

It's always worth keeping an eye on Leo Laporte and company over at http://live.twit.tv. If there is an unofficial live stream they usually find it.

500 server error right now at Twit. Boo.

I don't see why it wouldn't be, what with the last few all being webcast. Apple is eager to promote the HTTP Live Streaming technology, so my guess is that they'll use it any time they can.

I don't know, they always get criticized for it only working in Safari.

Works in VLC on multiple platforms, if you know the workaround:


Pretty sure they don't care. Apple follows their own road, sometimes they strike gold (everything iOS, laptops etc...) sometimes they miss (mice, Apple TV gen 1, etc...) but it's almost always a good show.

They make stuff they like. If you like it, too: buy it. If not: sod off. Their damn-the-torpedoes approach is what makes them so engaging.

I suspect that if it's not webcast it's because the main presenter (Cook?) might not be as experienced in giving presentations (as Jobs) and doesn't want the pressure of the live broadcast weighing on him.

That said, I think Cook did a wonderful job in Back to the Mac, but that was a smaller event and he wasn't the main presenter.

EDIT: Back to the Mac was announced as live stream 3 hours before the presentation (http://t.co/evl5Qwu), and the September iPod event the night before (http://t.co/r73jXfu).

Plus it is always available to watch the following day...last time it was up in a matter or hours.

I hope Dave didn't realize that I was being kind of a jerk in my Twitter reply, I felt bad about it right after I posted it haha

Doesn't seem like it unfortunately. IIRC previous streamed events have had a placeholder page up by now.

Hey - anybody want to chat about iPad2 over here? the conversation is temporary (1hr), so let loose!... and help stress test the product out:


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