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on March 11, 2011 | hide | past | favorite

Any chance of a brief explanation which doesn't require either (a) signing in with Twitter, or (b) watching a video?

SecretSocial: a real-time conversation service that automatically cleans up after you are done.

Could you please be less specific?

The Chrome extension page has some neat screenshots:


Enjoy it. We really don't want to project any use-cases for this service because it is so flexible and natural to experience with.

Zubin -- this looks very interesting and I wish you lots of success. A friend of mine recently suggested we should build such a service and I am glad to report back to him, someone has ("glad" because I was already working on my own start-up). I would suggest allowing for instantaneous deletes as well -- so as soon as the consumer opens the message, poof, it is gone -- one-time only. That was his use case scenario and we riffed on that for quite some time.

Cheers, Seth Cohen Screenius, Inc.

Interesting use-case Seth, we'll call it "message in a bottle" mode.

Thanks for the good wishes! have a great weekend!

It's neat idea because people are worried about leaving digital trace behind. However, your video hardly tells about the product though-- how does it work? The video is nice (I liked the colors, logo etc), but the messaging is not strong enough to make me sign up.

Looks similar to uProtect.it (Facebook tool that allows secret messages): http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2011/01/24/blocking-your-faceboo...

yeah the uprotect.it guys are very facebook-centric and they let the user decide on privacy...

SecretSocial is a standalone service letting you engage users on SMS, Email or Twitter. So people you know and people you don't can be engaged...

plus we are conversation-centric... the topic and need to communicate dictates the initiation.... very different from group-driven messaging.

Try out the Chrome extension as well to experience it fully!

Totally brilliant idea. I know lots of people whose relationships will benefit. And I enjoyed the video.

Right - loved the video, the url shortner (http://ssh.sh) and the name itself (SecretSocial) - your name gives somewhat idea about yourself, as opposed to most startups these days with dropped vowels, alternate spelling, or forced '-fy' extension.

Great idea to have built-in expiration/deletion of social content you want to keep private.

Not sure I get the idea, but why should I abandon ICQ, Skype, etc and use this instead?

Hiya - Aquarin... ICQ, Skype et al, log everything. We don't. The privacy policy is simple: end conversation, end all data about it as well.

Additionally, I encourage you to try the service in "Sudden Death" mode with someone you know - whoever is in one of those conversations can terminate it at any time resulting in everyone losing the conversation simultaneously.

This is very different from a user simply exiting IRC or leaving an ICQ chat or having a pseudo-offline conversation on GTalk!

What's the difference between "go private" and a message on Twitter, for example?

Hey! Thanks for trying out the extensions...

"go private" does two things:

it launches a 1-hour conversation that allows anyone you @mention in the tweet and from that point on you are in SecretSocial-land having real-time conversations...

there is still a 140 char limit but you can post as many times as you like, it is all kept in context!

Please stop spamming other threads with your product.

Wow - you're keeping an eye on us.

Try out the SecretSocial Chrome extension too:


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