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Just like last time this was posted, I'm here to remind you that the Liberals are the only ones not supporting this bill. It was introduced and enthusiastically supported by the Conservatives. Your hatred has blinded you.

Especially given Microsoft's loose interpretation of the truth in recent security-related corporate blog posts https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/04/02/cyber-safety-review-boar...

Also Microsoft still does not know how that secret was stolen and has knowingly mislead customers and the media about that fact.


I enjoy the ending of Anathem more every time I read it.

Anathem is the one book of his I've read that I thought had a really satisfying ending. It is also by far my favorite book of his. I wish he would revisit that universe. With Seveneves, it seemed to me that the quality of writing and pacing of the story changed somewhat abruptly near the end.

I felt like it ended right when things were getting interesting again.

Did you feel that way about Anthem or Seveneves? With Anthem, I felt like he had just finished laying the groundwork for an impressive feat of unique world building, which felt a shame to abandon at the end of the book, even though I enjoyed the ending. With Seveneves, I felt the book ended shortly after part 2 finally started to pick up pace, with several new sets of characters, and their dynamics, being introduced right before the end.

The world building is why I can re-read Anathem endlessly. The detail is just wonderful. Every time I finish it I get a feeling of grief knowing that it'll likely never be expanded on.

Seveneves was what I was thinking of. We meat the sea people, which really peaked my interest, then suddenly it was over. Really left me hanging.

> For example, the first goal required her to create a plan to reduce data storage costs across the entire AmazonBot web crawling organization by 75 percent in just eight workdays.


Thanks for this, it's very timely given what I'm working on right now. Google's proposal seems wildly overcomplicated for the use cases I've ever run across.

Glad to hear it. I feel the library could be improved, and if your server runs on something other than Node.js, you'll have to put together some straightforward crypto code, so feel free to file an issue on the repo[1] if you have any questions or requests. The point of it is not at all to compete with Google, but it could serve as a reasonable stopgap that's easy to implement (no new endpoints, no roundtrips) and should protect against all of today's cookie stealers, which would have to become a lot more sophisticated to beat it. I created a discussion on DBSC's spec repo yesterday that has a more direct comparison vs. Google's proposal[2] that you can check out.

[1]https://github.com/zainazeem/session-lock [2]https://github.com/WICG/dbsc/discussions

And now he's sold it to twitter and pocketed the cash.

I don't think I've read a single article about the Voyager missions that wasn't awe inspiring.

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