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Canada is turning into Totalitarian state with no freedoms or ability for privacy. As an expat I’m really sad to see how spineless my fellow Canadians are at standing up to Justin Trudeau and his fascism. I admired the truckers but the fact Trudeau used the War Measures Act or whatever it’s called now to trample their freedoms makes me sick. The fact a tribunal said they were wrong to use it is cold comfort years after the fact and no one was held accountable.

I’m anxious for Polivore but worries he will be exactly the same instead of rolling back the policies Trudeau put in place.

If you worry that party B will be just as bad as party A in your measure of concern, then why are you using partisan language to describe your concern in the first place?

Privacy seems pretty orthogonal to partisan politics to me — it's not something that appears on any party's platform, nor is it something that any voter I know of has ever said is their highest concern for choosing an MP to elect (and how could it be, if candidates aren't even expected to hold public positions on the issue?)

Because the Liberals are the ones that have fucked up the last 9 years. The PCs fucked it up under Stephen Harper, the most anti-Canadian PM in history until Justin Trudeau. I could have tolerated his sickening virtue signaling but his use of the War Measures Act is the most fascist anti-Canadian act in history and I will never forgive him.

The underlying problem is that every government gets lobbied by special interest groups and it has a significant impact on policies and legislation. That's exactly what's happening here. A lobbying organization is trying to convince politicians we need this legislation and the underlying motive is that the people funding the lobbying group are going to be the ones selling the solutions needed to comply with the law.

The article says "the government has called the bill “fundamentally flawed”, but there may be sufficient House support to turn it into binding legislation"

Sounds like Trudeau is not the problem in this instance?

Just like last time this was posted, I'm here to remind you that the Liberals are the only ones not supporting this bill. It was introduced and enthusiastically supported by the Conservatives. Your hatred has blinded you.

>As an expat I’m really sad to see how spineless my fellow Canadians are

You ran away, you spineless coward?

I went to the U.S. and am making more money than I ever could have in Canada and living in a house that I never could have afforded. The tuition per kid that I’m paying right now for elementary school is more than my salary that I was earning in Canada.

The Canadian brain drain is real and that’s because the politicians completely fucked up what we had previously which was a dominance in telecommunications. Ottawa could have truly been a “Silicon Valley of the North” but they fucked it up and couldn’t get around the idea that you have to grow prosperity, not tax people to death.

25 years later the gap between Canada and the U.S. is immense in terms of technical excellence and I don’t regret my decision at all to leave. I’m not going to sit around and become a slave to the worthless politicians, both Liberal and PC so they can siphon all my wealth like the Matrix in some delusional belief that it’s “patriotic”.

Ah yes those cowards -- like all the multicultural immigrants that built Canada and have made it a prosperous country. Cowards to leave their counties, etc /s

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