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It also shoots lasers, runs from the gpu and is in the cloud

Edit: despite i made myself giggle, I realize this comment is disrespectful to the hard work the ava team put in. I will stand by it though because I believe its to the benefit of people to realize how intention and theme doesnt necessarilly match reality. But I love spaceships more than coffee tbh (hard competition though)

Edit: i love how my comment was upvoted before my second. Glad we are a thoughtful group. Basically that tells me emotional responses are rewarded/punished rather than arguably productive. Criticism is important

I think them building it in rust is a good thing. But rust is a mozilla project so its not as though theyre doing people favors. What it certainly does is showcase the strength of the language considering they have proven to be so badass

That's sort of what I meant to get at - building Rust is a huge service to other people, and an important one too. Servo is showing that they're really putting the effort into optimizing it and making things work as best as possible.

Facebook is not for me. Msybe its because most of mine freinds are party people. I feel very isolated. I rarely go on it and I find github the only social network I really care about. I feel as though its not really that social though since I only get to talk to people when I bring something to eat the table. Big node repos +1s, the I barely use the follow feature despite having access to some of the most prolific programmers of my time. I want a social programming network. No idea what it looks like, but github has definitely helped curb the isolated feeling. I havent played around with gitlab enough but Im sure it has more potential

Ok, so the simple example you gave is very abstract. Alice and bob may have a great time talking on the phone but I felt no closer to understanding its purpose.

I do understand the purpose in requesting a resource from Alice that has no ip address associated to it. Say Bob and Alice are part of a network. Alice saves s file on one of the computers but has no idea which one. Bob wants that file. Hash Identifier protocol provides a standardized way to retrieve it. Using it, Bob makes a request to sll conputers and only one responds.

The RFC felt far more boring than this topic is. Technologies such as magnet uris and IPFS are your competition. I would argue that security is not the purpose for this though it can be used in conjuction. I believe this is far more effective for distributed systems

Do you want to live in a centralized world or one with competition? How do you support that?

I personally want to live in competition. I support that through allowing my appetites to lead me when making arbitrary choices rather than ceremonious dedication.

as a consumer, I want to feel important. I havent switched but gitlab is making me feel that way. Github makes me feel like I have no choice and Im stupid not to. What seems like the better relationship?

I wholeheartedly agree with you. A world of centralized monopolies is quite a scary prospect. Less so when they are not enforced by government, but concerning nonetheless.

However not everyone in tech feels this way. I detect this sentiment in the parent. See: Peter Thiel's thoughts on competition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLWyP83iU5M http://www.bnjs.co/notes/cs183b-lecture-5-peter-thiel-busine...

Thiel's monopoly idea might encourage someone building a new repository hosting thing to focus on a particular underserved segment and get everyone in that market.

"The thing that’s always a big mistake is going after a giant market on day one because that’s typically evidence that you somehow haven’t defined the categories correctly. It normally means that there is going to be too much competition in one way or another."

competition should happen naturally( i.e somone offering something clearly superior) not because I think there should be competition on principle.

You define nature? I believe nature is defined by action which is intepreted after the fact or predicted before. Naturally we can also see a community such as hacker news has an effect on the wider population but likely not as strong of one that it, as a group, wants. But hacker news isnt one group but rather many voices that may or may not have similar objectives

That is nature

Edit: you do because you are apart of it. But your beliefs can influence but do not define nature

Surely you're arguing for there to be a monopoly at any given time there - if company X does Y first, you'll always use company X's stuff (even after other companies implement Y) until another company does Z first, in which case you'll always use their stuff.

Or, more specifically - there should only be one company in the world manufacturing nuts and bolts, because you can't really create a superior nut. The first company to invent them should've won out.

To be honest, superior nuts is being produced:

* self locking nuts

* different steel alloys

* different price points

* different certifications

Thinking that others jobs are simple is a mistake that I'm waning myself off: thinking that what others do is easy, - that they should just do this and that.

There are certainly inferior nuts and bolts. The New (San Francisco) Bay Bridge is loaded with 'em.

(Hydrogen embrittlement)

Very similar to lazy js[1]. Perhaps its of interest to you to get involved in that or pull some of their work

[1] http://danieltao.com/lazy.js/

I want to contribute to this but there are a few things holding me back.

- usage of global instead of commonjs or es6 modues - using an uncommon build system makes me uncomfortable

- _.can instead of prototype or just object creation - I cant say I understand why.

What I want to do

- allow it to use multiple renderers - toString, DOM, blessed with the goal of image output and webworker proof of concept

- give promise support to get Initial State - when attempting isomorphism in react, creating components based off a database is a pain unless retreived before hand and passed from parent to child in often disgustingly deep manners. Simply allowing the return of a promise fixes this in many ways

Didnt realize you posted this. At the time it was empty

Successful in what regard? Financially? artistically? It was completed? A critical internet community criticized it? Successful is a very broad term. You may be correct, i just have no way to prove you are

Meh, it looks good to me. It still says Uber underneath the icon. It took me a couple more seconds of confused scanning the first time I went to order a cab after the redesign, but that's not too bad. And the logo looks more mainstream, less like some elite chauffeur service, which is good. I don't really see any problem. And this article doesn't ever really give much aesthetic critique. It's just a weird, bitter hit piece about someone else's imagined motives.

Im left to question what ubers motive was. No use of a U. Not simular to any logo in the past. Logo easily can be confused with other applications. I dont think uber had ill will but I dont think they thought this through aside from "rebrand time". Really, this article just says what many people are thinking

Not sure the lack of a U is a big deal. You may be right they just thought "rebrand time", and that would be a shame. I'm a designer. I love good design and good reasoning. In this case, I see a new brand identity that looks OK to me, nothing special, but not completely thoughtless either. Could have gone a lot worse. Subjective.

Whatever. My reason for commenting originally was that I find this kind of blog rant ugly. Real passion for design usually manifests in articles about things the author liked. Negative critique is ok, but it needs to be calm and measured and make interesting points about the design itself. This one basically just attacks people

the fact that it took you a few seconds to look for the icon is evidence of re-design failure

No, it's evidence of a redesign

Not at all. A redesign doesn't have to completely destroy the old brand.

If your looking for es5 promises are much easier to polyfill and much more competitive than generators

Can you clarify what you mean by 'competitive'? Are you talking about performance, or some other measure of quality?

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