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It's getting pretty expensive to rent one IPv4 address per domain these days. You also don't always control every address in a block, which means there may be nothing you can do about your reputation no matter where you go.

You only need one IP per MTA not per domain. I have a "vanity" email system that I run at home. I run it for my mates too. I have around 10 domains inbound. It all works fine.

SMTP and SIP are often held aloft as fucked up. My Dad's home telephony runs off a RPi and a Yealink DECT station and a dynamic DNS.

The modern internet might look a bit fucked up if you only look at the X/Facebook/webby wankery stuff but the real internet is functioning quite happily.

I pasted the lyrics for Mission Statement by Weird Al. I got ten bullshits (including synergy) and four bullfuckingshits, which were for: globalization, downsized, and paradigm shift (x2).

Video of Mission Statement by Weird Al: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyV_UG60dD4

Song info and lyrics: https://weirdal.fandom.com/wiki/Mission_Statement

I once attended an all-hands meeting at work. They literally had a lady there drawing those sort of whiteboard cartoons as seen in the Mission Statement video while the meeting went on -- and that was her entire job. Companies hire her to summarize meeting points with twee little cartoons on a (virtual at the time, because pandemic) whiteboard; and then an image is saved and made available to all attendees as part of the meeting minutes.

I asked ChatGPT to craft a story to maximize the amount of bullshits. This is the result: https://pastebin.com/raw/zM9h6Cau , with 9 BSs, 36 bullshits, and 20 bullfuckingshits

GPT autonomous generation sans human optimization? Paradigm shiftingly best-in-class next-gen deliverable!

> Notably, these browsers have never implemented support for VBScript.

This reads mildly accusatory and got a chuckle out of me.

I'm surprised it took them this long!

Folks who complain about Javascript don't realise how close we were to having vbscript as the dominant web language

In a slightly different universe, CERN gave Tim Berners-Lee a windows workstation instead of a NeXT Cube and www was built on top of Microsoft Word and VBScript.

> www was built on top of Microsoft Word and VBScript

Ah, that would be Internet Explorer.

yeah we should have a language that was built in a day instead of a week. move fast.

Wisdom of the ancients: Always make sure your domain services are completely independent from your other service provider(s), regardless of whether Cloudflare is involved. (Sorry, no recommendations at this time.)

Unfortunately it's difficult and expensive to scale those traditional solutions to the modern world of billions of internet users located all over the world. It's still quite slow to access a server on the other side of the globe. It's less noticeable for an american user accessing an american company's resources.

Does it matter for 90% of business? I will say no, the vast majority of business is rather localized for very good reasons (as a starter, language/culture/legalese) so it is an unnecessary "feature" most of the time. The reality is that manager drank the Kool-Aid and wants to pretend that they are Google/Facebook or the likes but almost no one else has this kind of scale. Outside of tech behemoth nobody need that cloud bullshit.

> consolidate everything into a small set of core titles

This already happened in the early 2000s. If you were around back then, you might remember how everything was sequels and rehashes for a while. Diversity of ideas returned to the industry only after it became practicable to publish and monetize indie games (post-Braid).

Microsoft and Embracer recently bought the whole industry. Now they might be about to light a match and set fire to the whole thing. OK, but fortunately, all the talented passionate people with the ideas and drive to create new things still exist in the world. I believe many players will find their way back to them, no matter how sufficent "garbage" is for the majority of people. If milking the uncaring baseline consumer was all that mattered to videogame creatives, they'd all be making ad-driven smartphone shovelware.

the early 2000's was the ps2 which is the best selling console with the highest number of games shipped.

i can't remember a time when there was so many different games or high quality releasing so often.

there were sequels, but they was dropping every year while being improvements. we got 3 GTA games on the ps2; gta v got three playstation consoles

Here's the funniest misbehavior I got out of it: https://www.myshelter.net/istanbul.png

(I added a green rectangle around the desired information.)

Nevertheless, good job so far!

ALso keep in mind that if you get a huge box full of text it's getting cut out by the UI and you can't reach the buttons!

> Go to Reddit, you'll get tons of helpful information.

Depends on the subreddit. The subreddits for certain hobbies are even worse than stack overflow. But yes, I agree with you that there are still helpful communities.

Many of the most interesting people did, which also affects the ratio of useful to recycled content. A lot of people are comfortable with the current state of the platform - good for them that they're happy where they are!

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