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Synergy wasn't replaced.

I pasted the lyrics for Mission Statement by Weird Al. I got ten bullshits (including synergy) and four bullfuckingshits, which were for: globalization, downsized, and paradigm shift (x2).

Video of Mission Statement by Weird Al: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyV_UG60dD4

Song info and lyrics: https://weirdal.fandom.com/wiki/Mission_Statement

I once attended an all-hands meeting at work. They literally had a lady there drawing those sort of whiteboard cartoons as seen in the Mission Statement video while the meeting went on -- and that was her entire job. Companies hire her to summarize meeting points with twee little cartoons on a (virtual at the time, because pandemic) whiteboard; and then an image is saved and made available to all attendees as part of the meeting minutes.

I asked ChatGPT to craft a story to maximize the amount of bullshits. This is the result: https://pastebin.com/raw/zM9h6Cau , with 9 BSs, 36 bullshits, and 20 bullfuckingshits

GPT autonomous generation sans human optimization? Paradigm shiftingly best-in-class next-gen deliverable!

That was the first word I tried and it was censored as expected. What was the sentence you used ‘synergy’ in?

It does in all-lower-case

Haha, synergy was my go-to first word too. I’m still not sure what it means.

It's Jem's holographic glam rock AI.

Also Greek for "working together". In corporate buzzspeak it means everybody aligned and working toward the same goal -- return on investment for our shareholders.

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