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TSMC really screwed thesmelves with that deal honestly.

I would say as a company having an extra foundry in a less earthquake prone part of the world is a good idea to keep the company alive in the case of a major disaster.

well TSMC actually winning on this one because TSMC have another fabs if china invade taiwan

and for taiwan, US has pledged to its security in case of invasion would defend no matter what

> US has pledged to its security in case of invasion would defend no matter what

Maybe with TSMC building chips in the US, that'll be one less reason for the US to defend Taiwan.

This. And it's certainly an argument that has not escaped China (nor Taiwan). If there is a "loser", that's Taiwan.

nope, US would not give an inch of taiwan in case of invasion

we talking about geo politic here. if china attack taiwan so would be north korea (this is their best chance)

for south korea and japan this is their existensial crisis, having china and north korea close to their home even for a kilometer is basically death sentence

You cant forget also US literally spends billions of dollar to keep balance of power in Europe,Middle-East and Africa

do you think US would ignore Asia where 30+-% world trade and resources happen??? you dnt need expert to figure it out

> US has pledged to its security in case of invasion would defend no matter what

by borrowing 155mm shells from South Korea? cute.

Invasion of Taiwan and deterrence of it hangs on non-land-war stuff.

Lol, most men are barely scraping by and thinking what to eat. Even in richer countries like US or Poland only like top 5% would partake in such activities like you described. On average men do more manual labour that required no abstract thinkng than women.

Yeah you live in a bubble

Yeah junior devs that barely can use css being paid 200k was quite common sight at the height of pandemic bubble. Most of them are gone now though. I guess that’s why HN seems to be in slightly more bitter mood nowadays than in the past 2-3 years

Thank you for helping the humanity in those dark times.

Agree, it is crazy how Americans are falling for Israeli propaganda. I dont even mean evangelical crazies but also normal human beings who I talked to seem to still view Israel as a democratic state that has right to commit genocide. In Europe it is way less common to support Israeli crimes now, even my baby boomer colleagues are more pro Palestine than before.

This article is equally applicable to the 2016 and 2020 US elections. If the current wars are too hot to discuss, then pick something from years back. You both are going off topic with this. Please don't interpret this reply as a put-down.

To which propaganda? Hamas shoots rockets on civilian cities and murdered hundreds on 7/10 and keep hostages – this is true, and many of us know it for sure. I know it because my relatives live there, and one of them was on that damn rave party.

We saw these video when Gaza celebrated 7/10 murders – is it "Israeli propaganda"? Or maybe elimination of Israel in Hamas charter is?

Americans not "falling for propaganda", we just can differentiate between good and evil.

I’m sorry your relatives were affected by Hamas terrorism. I hope they all made/make it out unscathed.

I also saw plenty of people (on Reddit, etc.) celebrating the bombing of Gaza, including incidents where innocent civilians were killed, or were certainly going to get killed. (Because “they all support Hamas anyway.”) Nothing about a group of people in Gaza celebrating terror makes them monsters or even especially unique. Unfortunately, once an enemy is sufficiently dehumanized, we are all susceptible to this sort of behavior.

Attacking a nation state that attacked you first isn't committing genocide. Its also funny that you think the EU(the world champs at enslaving and colonizing the world) has some how evolved past the same shit they literally did in the 90's.

Genocide is defined by intention to remove population or preventing their breeding. It has nothing to with who attacked who first or whether something ia nation state or not.

EU as in European Union came to be long after colonization and have member states that were colonies of someone else.

Did France give up its colonies already? Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories is a title in France. What about the Dutch? Those don't count, I'm guessing, because the colonies have been subdued and don't show up in the news feed.

So basically, EU did not actively enslaved or colonized anything. But, past colonies of some EU member states mean that there can not be genocide anywhere outside of Europe.

I'm not saying it is or isn't genocide, but if Hamas attacked Israel first then you're ignoring something like 75 years of the conflict.

Are we going to go all the way back to the partition of the Ottoman Empire? I think i might agree with you we should give all the land back to Turkey aka NATO.

The current conflict has been going on for about 75 years. To ignore that and just focus on what happened last month is disingenuous at best.

Where did you get the idea that I want to give land to Turkey?

the Ottoman empire is also known as the Turkish empire. it was Turkeys land that was "stolen". Partitioning post empires can get messy.

Yes, I'm aware of that. I never once said or implied anything about giving any land to anyone.

I'm actually of the opinion that both groups need to figure out how to live together peacefully instead of fighting each other. It seems quite unlikely that will ever happen. There's too much hate on both sides.

downvoted for speaking the truth

killing thousands of children deliberately is genocide

It is not. That is not what genocide means.

"It's not genocide, it's just mass-scale war crimes" is a soulless pedantic argument that that convinces no one, and ignores numerous statements of intent from Israeli ministers, politicians, and military leaders.

What am I trying to convince you of?

Since you are not educated in the conflict, respectfully stfu.

could you explain the Jaffa riots or the 1929 riots to me? Since I'm sooo uneducated. Or shit the Black Hand org... you know the one that called for jihad against immigrants.

“Falling for Israeli propaganda”?

The western liberal sentiment is irrelevant. They cared about the Uighurs, Kashmere, Hong Kong, and Ukraine for upvotes, shares, and likes. When those didn’t generate enough interest they moved on. Hamas is their new shiny bauble.

The Gaza strip will be completely leveled. A bunch of noise on the internet will not change that. There will be a new topic in less a years time. We shall see what it is.

> There will be a new topic in less a years time. We shall see what it is.

I can tell you already. The 2024 election.

Well its infinite for you. Americans will bomb your kid for less than 200k.

Nations and countries are made up things, you know that? They are not naturally human but a social constructs made up by those in power to have better grip on other people (their serfs) in the past. Usually countries started as kingdoms and the premise was clear.

Many societies of the past were conglomerations of tribes where each group/tribe had their own hierarchy and the various groups interacted with various kinds of hierarchy or lack thereof. Think of ancient Gaul or North American native nations. Despite them being formally independent groups, a common culture united people against what they perceived foreign. Gauls resisted Roman invasion, and even managed some degree of cohesion under Vercingetorix because they felt the threat of the common enemy.

Most of comments you read on reddit are written and/or upvoted by bots. No wonder they are trying to shift the narrative to be more pro-US. Eglin Military base was some time ago biggest source of traffic on Reddit. It’s up to you what you make of that



I am on the side of the US citizens, Snowden's side.

It's one of those rhetorical tricks being used to manipulate public opinion, where any criticism of the status quo is branded as "un-American" and "un-patriotic". But in fact it's the other way around, we criticize and are angry because we care about the country and the values it stands for.

The sleight of hand, the sneakiness of how everything gets turned upside-down is impressive though, how quickly a hero becomes a villain, and the villains openly continue with their villainy as if it were heroic.

And the villains are responsible for propping up your 401k and cheap electric bills. Almost enough intrigue to make you giggle.

It's super small subset of humanity that have both of those.

> Most of comments you read on reddit are written and/or upvoted by bots

I don't think that's true yet. At least regarding the portion of comments written; I have no idea about the votes.

There’s an important distinction here. Most of the comments you read. You being the general you. Most people will read a few dozen comments at most. These comments are overwhelmingly written by bots or inauthentic participants in subreddits like r politics. And they’re the most visible because these same groups also upvote them inauthentically

I just don't think that's the case yet, but we probably have no evidence one way or the other.

I don't know about /r/politics since I don't read it, but say in /r/worldnews, /r/europe, /r/ukrainewarvideoreport, /r/noncredibledefence, when I open a thread and pick ten comments at random and then take a look at their user histories I believe most are human.

Two things happen here:

1. bot farms buy stolen/sold accounts that have human comment history

2. bot farms re-post human content and then repost human comments on that content in a huge cycle to mimic the appearance of being human

I think /r/worldnews is 90% bots, judging by the repeating content and style of writing in comment section. And yes it looks like human would write.

>judging by the repeating content and style of writing in comment section

This is how reddit always has been.


It's not exactly a lie it comes from this 2013 Reddit blogpost http://redditblog.blogspot.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-...

>Most addicted city (over 100k visits total) Eglin Air Force Base, FL Oak Brook, IL South St. Paul, MN

So it is a total lie that it was "the biggest source of traffic".

Because Saudi Arabia is actively commiting brutal genocide on Yemeni people and US governemnt is actually supporting and taking part in that due to SA being US ally.

Probably old fashioned Anglo-Saxon feeling of superiority and fear that world order where white Anglo Saxons dominate markets and geopolitical landscape goes away forever

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