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Attacking a nation state that attacked you first isn't committing genocide. Its also funny that you think the EU(the world champs at enslaving and colonizing the world) has some how evolved past the same shit they literally did in the 90's.

Genocide is defined by intention to remove population or preventing their breeding. It has nothing to with who attacked who first or whether something ia nation state or not.

EU as in European Union came to be long after colonization and have member states that were colonies of someone else.

Did France give up its colonies already? Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories is a title in France. What about the Dutch? Those don't count, I'm guessing, because the colonies have been subdued and don't show up in the news feed.

So basically, EU did not actively enslaved or colonized anything. But, past colonies of some EU member states mean that there can not be genocide anywhere outside of Europe.

I'm not saying it is or isn't genocide, but if Hamas attacked Israel first then you're ignoring something like 75 years of the conflict.

Are we going to go all the way back to the partition of the Ottoman Empire? I think i might agree with you we should give all the land back to Turkey aka NATO.

The current conflict has been going on for about 75 years. To ignore that and just focus on what happened last month is disingenuous at best.

Where did you get the idea that I want to give land to Turkey?

the Ottoman empire is also known as the Turkish empire. it was Turkeys land that was "stolen". Partitioning post empires can get messy.

Yes, I'm aware of that. I never once said or implied anything about giving any land to anyone.

I'm actually of the opinion that both groups need to figure out how to live together peacefully instead of fighting each other. It seems quite unlikely that will ever happen. There's too much hate on both sides.

downvoted for speaking the truth

killing thousands of children deliberately is genocide

It is not. That is not what genocide means.

"It's not genocide, it's just mass-scale war crimes" is a soulless pedantic argument that that convinces no one, and ignores numerous statements of intent from Israeli ministers, politicians, and military leaders.

What am I trying to convince you of?

Since you are not educated in the conflict, respectfully stfu.

could you explain the Jaffa riots or the 1929 riots to me? Since I'm sooo uneducated. Or shit the Black Hand org... you know the one that called for jihad against immigrants.

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