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To which propaganda? Hamas shoots rockets on civilian cities and murdered hundreds on 7/10 and keep hostages – this is true, and many of us know it for sure. I know it because my relatives live there, and one of them was on that damn rave party.

We saw these video when Gaza celebrated 7/10 murders – is it "Israeli propaganda"? Or maybe elimination of Israel in Hamas charter is?

Americans not "falling for propaganda", we just can differentiate between good and evil.

I’m sorry your relatives were affected by Hamas terrorism. I hope they all made/make it out unscathed.

I also saw plenty of people (on Reddit, etc.) celebrating the bombing of Gaza, including incidents where innocent civilians were killed, or were certainly going to get killed. (Because “they all support Hamas anyway.”) Nothing about a group of people in Gaza celebrating terror makes them monsters or even especially unique. Unfortunately, once an enemy is sufficiently dehumanized, we are all susceptible to this sort of behavior.

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