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Don't know why others are giving you sensible answers, but you using the words 'Brendan Eich baby' shows your level of trolling. If you want a _good_ discussion, stop doing that.

The buttons looks a little pale, but I loved the overall design!

Wow, didn't expect they were selling merchandise. This is a new low even for Microsoft. Microsoft were never considered to be a company which puts ethics over money, and this just shows that they are jealous. They would do worse if they were in Google's place.

But selling merchandise? Come on, really! Is there at least one person in the world who could use these items and make it seem like they are making a fair point?

Jealous? To me it shows aggressive brand management. I've never really seen Microsoft as a company above ribbing on competitors. Why is it even a bad thing? Apple did it against PC for like a decade.

Most aggressive marketing/brand management generally doesn't involve selling products saying "[competitor] is bad and evil!!!"

Commercials sometimes, sure, but not wearable merchandise. I think it makes Microsoft seem quite petty, especially since they're trying to coin a whole new word out of it ("Scroogled").

Apple had a point, that they were cooler. They were saying, "hey, we are different". How does what Microsoft's saying about Google not apply to it? MS doesn't care about your privacy any more than Google. With the Snowden revelations and all, they have no case to make.

I disagree. Microsoft is a company who makes most of their money selling software, and hardware and services play a small part. They do almost no advertising.

Google is a company who derives about 99% of its revenue directly from its advertising business, of which utilizing user data from free services is the crux of the data-based approach that drives their success.

It seems like false equivalence to me. Same reason why I trust Apple way more than Google with data. Because Apple makes all their money on the hardware, not on the future use of your data for advertising purposes.

Dash, sometimes, is horribly slow. Rest of Unity has gotten usable, but Dash is a pain even now. Canonical should really focus on it's performance since it's the most important part of Unity experience.

I like having them separate too, you can use the Omnibar add-on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/omnibar/ to have Chrome-like functionality.

Been using this on the UX branch for a while now, loving it. Been very stable, excited to see this is finally merged.

I am using pdf.js with Firefox 27 Nightly on Ubuntu, and its rendering fine for me.

My parents are both 50+. My Dad's a Sales guy and my mom is a high school teacher in a primarily non-English, government school. They use Ubuntu for all their tasks. Mostly includes Browsing(YouTube, Epapers), talking to my sister in the States (Hangouts), Media (music, photos and videos) and LibreOffice. The stuff they discover sometimes amazes me, all along I've been believing this would be too hard for them.

> I just get the feeling that Oracle doesn't really give a shit about anything other than that god damned boat.

I was helping out a cousin install Oracle on Oracle Linux, and I found it way too complicated to set up. Installing their flagship product on their official distribution was a pain. All they could have done is provide proper repos/rpms. It's sad that they couldn't get that right.

I use the Nightlies, and am really digging the new stuff that's coming in. What I want the most is, a DevTools-level universal shortcut to focus onto the Web Console prompt. I know that C-S-k is the Web Console short-cut, but when focus is on the other parts of the Web Console, pressing C-S-k just closes Dev Tools. I like how Chrome uses 'Esc' to focus on the prompt, and I find it a very superior UX.

Cmd+Opt+K (or Ctrl+Shift+K) should take you to the console panel if you are in a different panel. For example, Cmd+Opt+S to open the debugger, and then Cmd+Opt+K should take you directly to the console, not close the tools.

If you find this isn't happening for you, please file a bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Firefox&c...

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