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I use the Nightlies, and am really digging the new stuff that's coming in. What I want the most is, a DevTools-level universal shortcut to focus onto the Web Console prompt. I know that C-S-k is the Web Console short-cut, but when focus is on the other parts of the Web Console, pressing C-S-k just closes Dev Tools. I like how Chrome uses 'Esc' to focus on the prompt, and I find it a very superior UX.

Cmd+Opt+K (or Ctrl+Shift+K) should take you to the console panel if you are in a different panel. For example, Cmd+Opt+S to open the debugger, and then Cmd+Opt+K should take you directly to the console, not close the tools.

If you find this isn't happening for you, please file a bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Firefox&c...

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