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Also credit to Chris for creating this!

Personally a huge fan of Alfred, and was waiting for this integration since ChatGPT came out. It's very much an Alfred style plugin but great for the mini-prompts I use everyday.

Not affiliated with any of this, but love Alfred

Hard to tell from my phone but are there any sources for the ‘exodus’ numbers? I don’t get the same impression that this post is laying out.

Anecdotally I know exactly one person using Twitter to tweet and that's only because he shares some of those tweets to a Telegram channel. When he does I might check those messages on Twitter but I often don't.

All the messages I exchange with friends in WhatsApp groups are not happening inside Facebook groups and are diverting traffic from there. In the last many years FB has been a site I use to announce work events and to say thank you to happy birthday messages once per year. That's too be polite because my direct contacts say happy birthday to me on WhatsApp or in person.

I also know very few people who use Facebook, however a couple of degrees seperated from me, most people do. They all use Facebook Messenger (but just call it messenger). Other people a couple of degrees a different way use Twitter extensively.

On HN, we're in a bubble as we're people who give a shit about privacy and the companies running our social media. I'm fairly sure we're a tiny minority.

That's what I was looking for; starts with a popular conception, provides no evidence, then moves on to wish fulfillment.

It’s a vibe shift. The hard numbers may not be there (yet?), but the early signs are.

Facebook has been dead for years, unless you count instagram. Twitter never actually caught on with the normies. Gen Z is on TikTok.

In my friend groups everything that used to happen on Facebook now happens on private WhatsApp, iMessage, and Slack groups.

Vibe shift is just another term for a change in elite aspirant opinion. The vibe is localized to highly trend conscious social and professional milieus. These scenes are often regarded as a cultural vanguard, but are in fact often detached from the majority of the population, and are less harbingers of broad shifts in public opinion, and more simple reporters on their own microclimates. That is all to say, the hard numbers might not materialize for some time, if at all, and not for the reasons presently stated.

Even if a vibe shift is recognized it isn’t necessarily described so.

Looking at the earliest comments that include “tiktok” on this site, the product wove its way into mentions before some article blew it up.

That said if you were on the service when the boss walk was just breaking, and experienced the product’s progression (as a user) to Old Town Road, it was obvious something big was going on—before the numbers were there.

> Twitter never actually caught on with the normies.

Does not need to. That's where all journalists look for news. Normies then get their news from journalists. The circle is complete.

I agree. But a thriving social network that does not make.

A social network does not have to dominate the whole world to be useful and profitable.

That applies to all commerce really, but the SV philosophy is "growth like a cordyceps on meth", so...

It may be useful, but Twitter has not turned a profit for about four years.

I believe Musk is actively trying to change that. Whether he succeeds or not remains to be seen

I wonder what Musk's plan looks like. ~90% of Twitter's revenue comes from ads, and they are not doing too well since Musk took over. He may have to double down on non Western markets where large companies are still willing to work with him.

By adding -1B per year in interest rates? Interesting strategy!

Wasn’t it significantly profitable in 2019?

Facebook is still a thriving host of non-technical communities and classifieds. The features and experience across both of those use cases are constantly being degraded and are user-hostile, but FB is still winning.

Something in the vein of Discord will eventually replace FB groups, I think.

Classified is probably the service best protected by the most of FB’s network effect.

It's unreal to me how poor Facebook's actual product is. I regularly get white screens of death on the site, viewing a photo from the feed dumps the feed in the background forcing you to rescroll the whole page to get back where you were, account pages are little more than naked HTML... It's so shitty! Don't start me on how poor the business experience is either. Get locked out of an account or get flagged in error? Ha fuck you customer!

The only thing floating them is the network.

>It's unreal to me how poor Facebook's actual product is. I regularly get white screens of death on the site,...

I've wondered for a really long time how so many non-technical people could stand using Facebook; it always confused the hell out of me and was just awful to use.

I think non-technical people are ok with the abuse because everything on their computer abuses them. And if something goes awry, they figure it's their own fault for using their trackball mouse incorrectly [0].


Nextdoor also has a local ads / classified ads section. I expect that would be the next destination for the FB Marketplace users (since they mostly fled Craigslist previously).

The problem for Nextdoor is that its active membership is even more skewed towards older folk than Facebook.

When your president has a social media profile and regularily uses it, then that particular platform is dead.

Doctorow is engaging in an awful lot of wishcasting here.

Isn't he always?

I think there’s fair reason to believe that VR is compelling, simply from personal experience the imagination runs wild the first time you try the quest or similar. Not sure why there’s so much confusion about the promise of meta vr. I cannot imagine a future where desk based workers aren’t using VR.

I’m assuming $1.89B doesn’t give them much though, if any power to influence

Since Twitter is now a private company, its owners are free of the host of laws that publicly traded firms have to abide by. There are many things the kingdom could offer Musk in return for a say in Twitter's content. Like money, in such form as personal bribes, donations to his foundation, tax breaks to open a SpaceX office in SA, etc.

That’s a good point, but they could have done that regardless of having ownership, no?

I find the 75% of respondents claiming to use frontend unit tests surprising, in many cases where I could find the time to actually write tests for frontend it was almost exclusively for design system components and those projects are rare

I'm wondering the same. The respondents' demographics hint at that this is a severely skewed sample (2nd largest identifiable nationality is Polish). Anecdotically: the frontend devs I have access to either have a strong engineering discipline or read so little tech on the internet that they couldn't possibly be aware of this survey.

Non-researcher here, but does this imply that China is doing significantly more research than the other countries mentioned? I'd imagine it's either that, or the 'legal' article access systems aren't as accessible?

Based on the stat posted above (downloads per 1000 citizens), Singapore leads, which is interesting. Obviously their number of citizens isn't as high as most countries but that's still such a strong number, maybe there's some students who are randomly downloading all papers they're interested in?

It’s a tiny country with a very good university. I am not surprised at all.

> maybe there's some students who are randomly downloading all papers they're interested in?

You pretty much have to operate that way anyway. There is just too much stuff to do the old-fashioned “read one paper, get its references, and repeat”. It is much better to get many articles, and then sort them by degree of interest using things like abstracts, main figures, conclusions, etc, before reading them fully. It does increase the number of downloads significantly.

Or VPNs.

China is the source of a ton of research in the two fields I've worked in (materials science & machine learning)

Doesn’t really imply much without additional info, could just be due to a larger population.

Love the idea, and great effort put in! My initial impression is the same, overwhelming UX. There's a lot of information and there with very little visual hierarchy, it's hard to decide where to look first.

I find https://refactoringui.com/ has some digest-able design stuff for us developers. I'm not affiliated with them, but I've been the same boat with product design.

For me the key was understanding what roles spacing, color, and font-weight play in building a hierarchy.

Edit: spelling.

Thanks for letting me know. It is our first time creating something like this so the feedback and suggestions are super helpful.

I agree, my summary of the post: "Frontend is engineering too" which I 100% agree with, however the notion of not splitting up systems into functional goals is a mistake.

User-facing applications just have different goals from an application consumed via API. Practically when you split up a system into a client facing application and an API application, from my experience and reasoning, it's always been because it results in a far easier to manage development process.

The simpler you can make your system the less likely it will be to fail by any measure. So breaking systems up into smaller systems is just easier and simpler. One such division that is really easy is the backend and frontend.

Model View Controller type frameworks are a great practical example of why breaking systems up makes them much easier to construct.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Your comment about cynism sparked a certain honesty - I'm probably being too pessimistic about publicity. I suppose it's also linked to personal ego and wishful thinking on the recognition front.

PS thanks for being a prolific contributor to hacker news!

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