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> I don't think publicity about entrepreneurs is particularly truthful, leading me to think that it shouldn't exist.

Your post is heavily cynical. If you have a preconceived idea of what's "right", a pessimistic assumption about everyone's motives, and strict ideas about what people should or shouldn't be doing, you're always going to be disappointed.

> Should entrepreneurs be self-promoting through articles and 'appearances' on things like podcasts/panels etc. despite the disingenuous nature of it?

What's your goal? If you're trying to build a company or increase sales of your product, then "self-promotion" is missing the mark. You should be promoting the company or product.

It's a common mistake for first-time entrepreneurs to think they're on the track to becoming famous, and then go off in the weeds with conferences, meetups, podcasts, and other things that detract from their real work. People can see right through self-promotion.

On the other hand, if you have genuinely helpful information to offer to the world then conference talks, podcast interviews, and blog posts can be helpful for both you and the product. People are receptive to someone who is genuinely trying to provide advice. Just make sure you've covered your bases at the business before you go off doing promotional activities.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Your comment about cynism sparked a certain honesty - I'm probably being too pessimistic about publicity. I suppose it's also linked to personal ego and wishful thinking on the recognition front.

PS thanks for being a prolific contributor to hacker news!

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