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Why? really, what did you get out of doing this? As someone who really respects, admires, and is grateful for Lynn Conway, this really hurts to see someone do.

As a young trans teen I encountered Lynn Conway's personal blog, and it was among the first times I realized the feelings I had felt my entire life had a name, and that there were others like me.

Her "Trans Women Successes" part of her blog made a big impression on me way back in the late 90s, and made me see a path that I thought perhaps wasnt possible. (it's still up! https://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsucces...)

I only later on realized what a massive figure she was in computer science history, and the contributions she made to technologies that have transformed the world.

As a trans women and a developer, to say that she is a personal hero is an understatement. She is an icon, an example of a life well lived, a testament to the power of perseverance and personal strength.

Thank you Lynn for making a fundamental difference in my life in more ways than one. You will be dearly missed. <3 RIP

Me too. I feel like an entire generation of trans girls found hope in her success. I hope they keep her site up.

This repo contains 20+ Google Colab experiments I wrote over the last few months that leverage AI to partially or fully automate many different discrete Content Marketing, PR, Social Media, and SEO tasks.

Most of them require and OpenAI API Key to run. A few leverage Serpapi and a handful of other APIs.

Leveraging SOTA MultiModal AI for Video Understanding - Replicating Viral Success on TikTok

Comprehensive News Media Monitoring & Analysis Using Clustering

Automated Keyword Clustering for Content Gap Analysis

Automated Long-form Article Generation with Semantic SEO Optimization

Automatic Newsjacking Content Ideation using Clustering

Automatic TikTok Video Understanding for Social Media Strategy

Automatic Newsjacking Ideation and Trend_Analysis

Automated Onsite SEO Link Optimizations

Automated Subreddit and Post Title Recommendations Based on Any Article

Automatic Article Outline Generation by Analyzing the Text of Top Ranking Pages for a Given Keyword

Automated Video Translation with LipSync

Automatically Generate a Summary, Article Outline, Long form Article, and Tweet Thread from a Youtube URL

Exploring Multi Agent AI Collaboration for Iterative Invention, Critique, and Synthesis

Automatic Intent, Persona ,and Buyer Inference

Large Language Model Search Visibility and Optimization

Prompt Chaining Instant Content Plan

Prompt Chaining For Press Earning Data Journalism Stories

The Ultimate AI Researcher

Automated Content and Keyword Clustering Descriptions with HuggingFace Embeddings, Agglomerative Clustering, and GPT-3

Automatic Deep TikTok Insights with GPT and Whisper

Automatic Persona and Motivation Research

Automatic Question Expander ala AnswerThePublic

Automatic Reddit Trend Research with GPT3

Automatic Schema Improvements with GPT4

I wrote a quick and dirty web app that leverages a multi-step iterative process to generate an article from a single topic prompt. It combines SERP analysis, semantic SEO data from NLTK (summarized and enhanced by GPT), and the language generation capabilities of GPT4.

The final articles it generates are informed by an understanding of the content already ranking for the given keyword (ala MarketMuse or Clearscope) and generates a 4,000+ word, well organized article.

Here's how it works:

1⃣ The script begins by analyzing the SERPs of your chosen topic, summarizing the NLP to gather common themes and important keywords to provide a semantically rich guide to writing a comprehensive outline.

2⃣ It generates an initial outline using #GPT4. The outline is then improved iteratively, incorporating semantic SEO insights from the SERP analysis.

3⃣ The improved outline is used as a guide to create long-form content, again using GPT4.

4⃣ The content is further improved and refined, resulting in a comprehensive, detailed, and SEO-rich long-form article.

I'm super excited about the future of agent like approaches, and while this isnt exactly a full agent, it is using an iterative approach that vastly improves the quality and length of a given article output.

If you find it useful, let me know!

Another roadblock to AGI starting to fall. WOW.

You can tell a lot about a user based on their posting history, and GPT4 can pretty easily tell if that person has a history of good or bad faith interactions. I wrote a bot that uses GPT4 to do this analysis automatically, and while I think it would be very useful, and also potentially change the dynamics of online discourse, It feels scary and dystopian as well. I'm very torn on whether this sort of thing will be good or bad, but it seems obvious that this kind of thing will become ubiquitous. I took my bot down for now, but I'd love to hear arguments for and against it. What do you think?

What’s to stop any of its current competitors from making a Twitter clone, one with moderation? If he can’t keep advertisers, Google or someone else could leverage their already existing network effects to take Twitter refugees.

> Google or someone else could leverage their already existing network effects

Google tried this taking on Facebook. It didn't work because network effects cannot force someone to a new network. Heck, it almost killed YouTube in the process of getting Google+ their network.

Not if they can’t prove the ROI vs other ad channels. They will just move spend from Twitter to better performing platforms, or even into other marketing or sales activities entirely. For most brands, Twitter isn’t the sole place they can target their audience.

Watch him turn it into an OnlyFans clone... seems like the only viable subscription model to earn enough to stay afloat, porn. If he implemented AI Porn features, could earn more. With patrion/substack style subscription features for the non-porn content too, maybe it works?

Twitter already made that. They launched Subscriptions (previously Super Follows) a year ago.

https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2021/introduci... https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/subscriptions

but adult content can’t be monetized right now afaik

Twitter would need a lot of subscriptions to justify a $44B valuation on user revenue alone. You'd need 16 million subscribers paying $8/mo each just to cover operating expenses. Maybe Elon can bring opex down (firing everyone is a start, I guess?); maybe it is just a vanity purchase after all, but there is a reason that the advertising model is so dominant in social media, and so hard to avoid. Reddit has done everything it can to grow direct user revenue for years now and it's still basically an ad company.

Those teams help grow revenue. The more help they give, the more the advertiser is likely to increase their spend. They do a lot of heavy lifting to help educate ad teams about about new ad products and software changes.

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