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20+ AI Uses Cases in Marketing, PR, SEO, and Social Media – Colab Experiments (github.com/ktynski)
1 point by kristintynski 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This repo contains 20+ Google Colab experiments I wrote over the last few months that leverage AI to partially or fully automate many different discrete Content Marketing, PR, Social Media, and SEO tasks.

Most of them require and OpenAI API Key to run. A few leverage Serpapi and a handful of other APIs.

Leveraging SOTA MultiModal AI for Video Understanding - Replicating Viral Success on TikTok

Comprehensive News Media Monitoring & Analysis Using Clustering

Automated Keyword Clustering for Content Gap Analysis

Automated Long-form Article Generation with Semantic SEO Optimization

Automatic Newsjacking Content Ideation using Clustering

Automatic TikTok Video Understanding for Social Media Strategy

Automatic Newsjacking Ideation and Trend_Analysis

Automated Onsite SEO Link Optimizations

Automated Subreddit and Post Title Recommendations Based on Any Article

Automatic Article Outline Generation by Analyzing the Text of Top Ranking Pages for a Given Keyword

Automated Video Translation with LipSync

Automatically Generate a Summary, Article Outline, Long form Article, and Tweet Thread from a Youtube URL

Exploring Multi Agent AI Collaboration for Iterative Invention, Critique, and Synthesis

Automatic Intent, Persona ,and Buyer Inference

Large Language Model Search Visibility and Optimization

Prompt Chaining Instant Content Plan

Prompt Chaining For Press Earning Data Journalism Stories

The Ultimate AI Researcher

Automated Content and Keyword Clustering Descriptions with HuggingFace Embeddings, Agglomerative Clustering, and GPT-3

Automatic Deep TikTok Insights with GPT and Whisper

Automatic Persona and Motivation Research

Automatic Question Expander ala AnswerThePublic

Automatic Reddit Trend Research with GPT3

Automatic Schema Improvements with GPT4

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