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Honoring the Legacy of Chip Design Innovator Lynn Conway (ieee.org)
73 points by rbanffy 10 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments


Lynn Conway has died - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40648470 - June 2024 (328 comments)

As a young trans teen I encountered Lynn Conway's personal blog, and it was among the first times I realized the feelings I had felt my entire life had a name, and that there were others like me.

Her "Trans Women Successes" part of her blog made a big impression on me way back in the late 90s, and made me see a path that I thought perhaps wasnt possible. (it's still up! https://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsucces...)

I only later on realized what a massive figure she was in computer science history, and the contributions she made to technologies that have transformed the world.

As a trans women and a developer, to say that she is a personal hero is an understatement. She is an icon, an example of a life well lived, a testament to the power of perseverance and personal strength.

Thank you Lynn for making a fundamental difference in my life in more ways than one. You will be dearly missed. <3 RIP

Me too. I feel like an entire generation of trans girls found hope in her success. I hope they keep her site up.


Why? really, what did you get out of doing this? As someone who really respects, admires, and is grateful for Lynn Conway, this really hurts to see someone do.

Don't be an asshole

Don't do that. (Deliberately misgender someone).

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