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Based on your comment, I wouldn't want to work for you.

I can write useless programs in 0 lines!

Well, I have done that in order to see what the compiler creates which isn't your program. Quite useful!

1) If you use Berry, you won't have to write JavaScript

What are some good companies to work for while living in the EU? I am a SWE with 10+ years of experience and I have a US and EU passport.

"If you're polite, nobody cares."

But what's the point if nobody cares?

What I mean is that people nowadays typically don't pay attention to complaints voiced politely. Rudeness is unpleasant but more effective in getting people's attention.

Yeah I get it, I just don't think your behavoior was rude, though. In my eyes, you were being rather polite.

Mainly because you won't have to write as much glue code.

I think it's two pieces:

1) Removal of the need for complex glue code (filters, callbacks, etc.). This is nice so less sophisticated users can develop dashboards.

2) Easy hosting / deployment. I don't want that in the same system (I use dash in my own apps, and it's nice I'm not tied to much of anything else)

That's me extrapolating from a little bit of poking. I could be wrong.

Interesting documentary about Gary Kildall, CP/M and Microsoft.

Parts two and three:



The world "primarily" is important here. Sure, you _can_ use Java for embedded and even real-time stuff. Some games are written in Java, etc. But no one would say that Java is the primary language of choice in such domains.

Java has been used for soft real-time systems, such as payment processors or real-time bidding. For a GC-ed language, its latency guarantees can be pretty OK due to having good garbage collectors and runtime optimizations.

But, yes, obviously it can't be used for systems where latency is a matter of life and death, like operating the breaks on a car.

There actually are special, hard real-time JVMs that are used in missile defense systems. Do note that hard real time is not about performance (and as computers are so fast, you really don’t need much time for millions of calculations), but the guarantee of executing it in X time. But it does require very special engineering.

Agree. Will leave the comment up for my eternal shame.

Enterprise ETL/CRUD stuff and (some) native Android applications.

Android doesn’t follow the Oracle Java though, right. So all these new features are just not there, right

The compile-time features end up being supported. The runtime features (e.g., invokeDynamic) less so.

OTOH, Android would benefit from virtual threads, too, which is one of the reasons they've jumped feet-first on the Kotlin train (and Kotlin's coroutines are pretty well designed).

It uses their compiler javac. Then the class files get compiled into dex files for androids runtime.

Not yet, I believe they currently support everything (or nearly everything) up to Java 11.

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