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It is something that is solved with "less tech" or "no tech" entirely.

i don't believe that. I love technology and always want to have access to a computer (although I also love leaving it off and using paper or analog tools).

But I have a pretty unforgiving standard for people-misusing-technology. Last week I went into a store I hadn't seen before, specializing in imported Asian liquors, drinks, cocktail stuff. I decided to buy a fruit drink. Approached the counter, pulled out a $5 bill, and the guy said 'oh we're not taking cash' and waved at the terminal. It would have been just as easy to whip out my card, but instead I said 'I don't shop at stores that don't handle cash' and put the drink back (though with hindsight I should have left it on the counter, or left the $5 and walked out with my drink, giving up the change).

This was rude behavior on my part. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease, at least in the US. If you're polite, nobody cares.

Liquor stores in the US are prime targets for armed robbery. It is completely unsurprising if one doesn't want to handle cash at all.

This isn't a liquor store in the conventional sense. In any case, that's not my problem.

"If you're polite, nobody cares."

But what's the point if nobody cares?

What I mean is that people nowadays typically don't pay attention to complaints voiced politely. Rudeness is unpleasant but more effective in getting people's attention.

Yeah I get it, I just don't think your behavoior was rude, though. In my eyes, you were being rather polite.

How was that rude?

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