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I have a number of friends who moved to Europe while working remotely for US tech companies. I'd be interested to know how common this really is, but it could be a contributor to inflated housing prices there as well.

Migration is still much higher to the USA from Europe than the other way around so at least wrt the USA migration is actually helping the problem.

> but it could be a contributor to inflated housing prices there as well.

Unless they are moving in the millions it'll barely make a dent. There have been reports coming in from countries such as portugal stating that "nomads" are driving housing costs up, but those are the exception - if anything it helps the economy of that country.

Not if it helps drive a short term rental market, where apartments are taken off for people who come for a few months.

The economy isn't a person. Rising prices shuts many people out of accessing necessities.

What are some good companies to work for while living in the EU? I am a SWE with 10+ years of experience and I have a US and EU passport.

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