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I like this BUT addons need to catch up and for many it's impossible due to such frequent changes.

99% of the add-ons that are hosted on http://addons.mozilla.org are compatible and had been automatically updated to be compatible. Can you list which ones you use that are not?

Earlier, I read a pretty interesting mozilla post about the problem with non-AMO addons.

> it was quite eye-opening when I learned that only 25% of the 600 million add-ons in use every day in Firefox 4 and later are active on AMO.


My most important one, roboform is coming as 'will be disabled.'

This may be because roboform proper isn't hosted on addons.mozilla.org, so they can't vouch for it or bump the version for you. The Roboform Lite that is on addons.mozilla.org is properly marked.


Huge benefits for G Drive! For example they will even scan the contents and let you know /IRS about any tax discrepancies for example.

If you're countryX and want to bring down everything, hacking sites like mysql, apache, kernel and the likes would do the most damage

No doubt, but that doesn't explain why all these sites have suddenly become vulnerable. Unless someone with unusual hacking capabilities only started trying recently.

Unless someone with unusual hacking capabilities only started trying recently.

'Usual' hackers are probably a step above script kiddies. On the top end you have state sponsored PHDs

I don't see your point. There are no countries that would have only recently developed an interest in hacking such sites and have the capability to do so. Clearly you're trying to imply that some country is behind this, so feel free to just say it out loud instead of being cute about it and wasting everyone's time.

Clearly you're trying to imply that some country is behind this, so feel free to just say it out loud instead of being cute about it and wasting everyone's time.

It's an internet forum, not a court of law. OK? I am speculating. When someone does something this big, I tend to think of someone way out there, like those that tried to hack Google, defense companies etc. For all we know they did to get the info from one company, steal CC from a million of them, or just have the option to take million of sites offline. Relax.

That's the old Google you're talking about.

Google has G Analytic and now G+. Logged in or not they have the IP.

But the chart is about time spent online

"The goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users," so let's make some more money. Let's not send visitors to sites anymore! Brilliant!

I'm having a hard time parsing your post. The passage you quoted concerns cases where advertisers might not like the material on sites that rank highly in search results.

> so let's make some more money. Let's not send visitors to sites anymore!

You seem to be accusing Google of something, but I can't tell what. (Google sends me to sites all the time. I'm also not aware of accusations that advertisers affect results.)

Google sends me to sites all the time

The trend is your friend, but understand that ads look similar to normal results to many people.

I'm also not aware of accusations that advertisers affect results.)

Use your imagination or ask Larry and Sergey what they mean by it,

That's the risk every entrepreneur takes. Next time you need a job you have have a 10 year 'gap' in your resume.

Other than founding Google, their supposedly big ideas are just on gambling shareholder's money and make more money via Google in suspicious way. Search still makes 97% of their money, Android was * from others and market share is being lost to Microsoft.

Search makes no money at all. But adsense does.

Search makes no money at all. But adsense does.

Adsense relatively makes little since they pay most to site-owners, whatever they call the ads on Google make the money. After 11 years has, Google has what, other than search?

Yep! What have the Romans ever done for us?

Google can disappear tomorrow and Bing, Blekko and DDG can take over. Webmasters will get more traffic since all have way less ads than Google, and that's about it. You know what happened after the fall of the Roman empire, do you?


YouTube. Android (their market share isn't declining). Likely the most popular cloud office suite. GMail. Picasa. Google+. Analytics.

Just to name a few.

I'm pretty sure AdSense accounts for around 30-35% of Google's revenue.

In an interview Erik said about 90% of revenue is from adsense

I'm not sure, but if he said something like that he probably meant AdWords.

You can see their Q4 2010 earnings statement at http://investor.google.com/earnings/2010/Q4_google_earnings.... . Here is the relevant portion for AdSense:

"Google Network Revenues - Google's partner sites generated revenues, through AdSense programs, of $2.50 billion, or 30% of total revenues, in the fourth quarter of 2010. This represents a 22% increase from fourth quarter 2009 network revenues of $2.04 billion."

If publishers are paid 68%, this means Google's share is roughly $650mill for that quarter.

Without Google, Ytbe would be sued to oblivion, and if it's making money it can't be that much.

Android would last a couple of hours without Google's tens of billions in protection. Isn't it free anyway?

Revenue vs earnings matter on Adsense. Their pay and inventory is linked to the power of Google.

So in the end Google has, search.

Sorry, I mean search market share was declining. Gmail is # to Hotmail and Yahoo, despite all the hype.

Can G out-Microsoft Microsoft in Office? I doubt it. Analytics and everything else is subsidized by search.

Interesting, in light of Google's real name policy.

FB 1 - G =0 for now?

Minus 3 for telling the truth? Shows why Google is in such pathetic shape, Google employees spend all day doing nothing.

Maybe but they'll get promotion within facebook. Lots of users and they can always split if FB goes under.

Guy builds nightvision drone to hunt feral pigs

Federal government shows up to help ;)

no no. It's literally feral pigs; I can see how you might be confuse though ;)

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