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Unless someone with unusual hacking capabilities only started trying recently.

'Usual' hackers are probably a step above script kiddies. On the top end you have state sponsored PHDs

I don't see your point. There are no countries that would have only recently developed an interest in hacking such sites and have the capability to do so. Clearly you're trying to imply that some country is behind this, so feel free to just say it out loud instead of being cute about it and wasting everyone's time.

Clearly you're trying to imply that some country is behind this, so feel free to just say it out loud instead of being cute about it and wasting everyone's time.

It's an internet forum, not a court of law. OK? I am speculating. When someone does something this big, I tend to think of someone way out there, like those that tried to hack Google, defense companies etc. For all we know they did to get the info from one company, steal CC from a million of them, or just have the option to take million of sites offline. Relax.

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