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Search makes no money at all. But adsense does.

Search makes no money at all. But adsense does.

Adsense relatively makes little since they pay most to site-owners, whatever they call the ads on Google make the money. After 11 years has, Google has what, other than search?

Yep! What have the Romans ever done for us?

Google can disappear tomorrow and Bing, Blekko and DDG can take over. Webmasters will get more traffic since all have way less ads than Google, and that's about it. You know what happened after the fall of the Roman empire, do you?


YouTube. Android (their market share isn't declining). Likely the most popular cloud office suite. GMail. Picasa. Google+. Analytics.

Just to name a few.

I'm pretty sure AdSense accounts for around 30-35% of Google's revenue.

In an interview Erik said about 90% of revenue is from adsense

I'm not sure, but if he said something like that he probably meant AdWords.

You can see their Q4 2010 earnings statement at http://investor.google.com/earnings/2010/Q4_google_earnings.... . Here is the relevant portion for AdSense:

"Google Network Revenues - Google's partner sites generated revenues, through AdSense programs, of $2.50 billion, or 30% of total revenues, in the fourth quarter of 2010. This represents a 22% increase from fourth quarter 2009 network revenues of $2.04 billion."

If publishers are paid 68%, this means Google's share is roughly $650mill for that quarter.

Without Google, Ytbe would be sued to oblivion, and if it's making money it can't be that much.

Android would last a couple of hours without Google's tens of billions in protection. Isn't it free anyway?

Revenue vs earnings matter on Adsense. Their pay and inventory is linked to the power of Google.

So in the end Google has, search.

Sorry, I mean search market share was declining. Gmail is # to Hotmail and Yahoo, despite all the hype.

Can G out-Microsoft Microsoft in Office? I doubt it. Analytics and everything else is subsidized by search.

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