A bit tangential to the main topic of the post. They mention that they are working on another optimizing compiler Ion which will replace the cranelift compiler (which is still in nightly) as the new compiler for WebAssembly.
They link the issue [1] tracking the change which also speaks about disabling cranelift.
To my knowledge cranelift was made for the purpose of compiling WebAssembly in Firefox, so I am not sure if I am missing something here (it's not yet production ready maybe). The Cranelift README[2] mentions that it will be a backend for IonMonkey.
I am a complete layman here so I am curious if someone here has a better understanding.
Cranelift was originally started as a project to make a new backend for wasm in SpiderMonkey. It took on a life of its own, and has been transferred by the Bytecode Alliance (which Mozilla is a part of). At the moment it's not mature enough for us to use in production (both in terms of performance and in terms of code churn). We're hopeful that will change over the next few years, but we need to ship wasm support now, so we're sticking with our existing backend.
(We intend to keep Cranelift working behind a compile-time flag.)
> They mention that they are working on another optimizing compiler Ion which will replace the cranelift compiler (which is still in nightly) as the new compiler for WebAssembly.
Ion (nee IonMonkey) predates Cranelift, being the natural evolution of Mozilla's previous SpiderMonkey JITs. From your link:
"Prototyping work (bug 1678097) has demonstrated that Ion can generate good code quickly for wasm on ARM64, and given that Ion has good stability and we know it well, we will ship it as the initial optimizing compiler for wasm on that platform."
The keyword being "initial"; it appears to just be saying that Ion is good enough to enable, with support for Cranelift being retained in the event that it ever surpasses IonMonkey in capability.
So Firefox on Apple Silicon got Cranelift first, but only in nightlies, and will soon get Ion in release builds - "become the new default" means it will replace the baseline compiler.
The article makes an argument for why you should consider Pixel series phones that still have official support from the vendor if you are in the market for Android phones.
While it may not have been the point of the article it gives no reason why you should consider CopperheadOS.
This is my perspective taking the article at face value as a complete layman in Hardware and OS security who cannot provide any critic or judgement on the technical content of the article.
There is correlation between surnames (or the lack of one), language dialects, dietary habits and caste. But the signal here is very noisy and unreliable except for a few cases like having a well known surname.
To my knowledge there is no correlation to place of birth. While there may be statistical differences in the distribution of characteristics such as say skin colour among communities which I am unaware of, you will find a reasonable representation of all physiognomies? in each community.
Most of the Indian population lives in small towns and villages where everyone knows one another. People would notice if you suddenly start claiming to be from a different community.
The classification of higher and lower caste itself is an oversimplification.
Wearing the thread implies that you are from a Brahmin community. Brahmin is just one of the many communities that exist in India based on geography, language (including numerous dialects), wealth and religion (including different sects). Each of these communities think they are better than some subset of indian ethnicities.
Some groups (Dalits being one of the prominent examples) are unfortunately at the receiving end of biases from almost everyone else.
If you are living in the more progressive parts of the country (generally more urban) being found out things will make things... awkward. Not in the sense that there will be consequences, but you will have aired out your insecurities to others.
I feel that you are making a mistake that many native language speakers make in saying that their language has a complex nonlinear history compared to other languages which they happen to not know much about.
It just seems so for native speakers as they know a lot more about the history of their language than others.
English speakers seem particularly susceptible to it since its lineage has been extensively studied.
It may also just seem so to me since I hang around primarily in the English speaking Internet.
> I feel that you are making a mistake that many native language speakers make in saying that their language has a complex nonlinear history compared to other languages which they happen to not know much about.
“ In the Max Planck Institute’s World Loanword Database, Mandarin Chinese has the lowest percentage of borrowings of all 41 languages studied, only 2 percent. (English, with one of the highest, has 42 percent.) In part because of the difficulty of translating alphabet-based languages into Chinese characters”
English just does has more loanwords than most other european (and proto-indo-european) languages. And this isn’t an artefact of spanish or german or what have you having been studied less. (Though I fully admit that giving Japanese as an example of a more monocultural language in this context is a poor choice given how many non-native words it borrowed from Chinese).
>> Though I fully admit that giving Japanese as an example of a more monocultural language in this context is a poor choice given how many non-native words it borrowed from Chinese
Japanese did (and does) use Chinese characters.
But Japanese, in fact, is a perfect example of a language that developed in a very monocultural way; it developed in a single region, and:
"Japanese is classified as a member of the Japonic languages or as a language isolate with no known living relatives " from:
A 'language isolate' is a language that has no known genealogical relationship with other outside languages. Japanese developed as a fairly isolated language. Only since the 1850s has the Japanese borrowing of loanwords really took off, and those are mostly limited to English words for technology and other more 'modern' objects.
Hi, thanks for your reply. Your remarks about its genetic lineage and development in a single area are spot on and relevant.
> Only since the 1850s has the Japanese borrowing of loanwords really took off, and those are mostly limited to English words[...]
Are you sure you meant to say English? [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Japanese_vocabulary - though even the article you linked specifically says it has a large portion of Chinese loans ]. Though Chinese borrowing started in the 4th century into Japanese, so - are you saying Japanese borrowings from Chinese particularly accelerated in the 1850s (If you could find some source for this claim, it’d be appreciated - I wasn’t able to find one and it seems unlikely, given that this was the point at which it started to lean more European in terms of its borrowings)? To my knowledge English borrowings in Japanese are modern (after WW2). I’m confused!
Being a language isolate or not doesn't say anything about how diverse the influences of a language's current structure and vocabulary, or its speakers' societies, might be. See my cousin comment.
I have noticed a tendency among people to rationalise things that suck in life to actually be good for you. Phrases such as "It builds character" or "It is necessary for the society/people/..." are not too uncommon.
It seems to be a universal characteristic of people to co-opt largely harmful activities such as smoking for useful things such as social interaction or relaxation.
Android Chrome and Firefox (via add-ons) have dark mode options. I do not know about iOS Safari.
While a dark mode option made by the website itself may be able to handle certain edge cases that the browser dark modes may miss, for most part part the browser dark mode features handle most cases quite admirably.
I feel that rather than going behind individual website developers, making the need known to the platform browser developers is a more scalable approach. Even if HN gets a dark mode, what about the websites it links to? Do you also plan to ping the the Devs there for a dark mode option?
From my experience multiple independent dark mode toggles for each website I visit are a pain to manage. I never use them. Dark mode is purely and globally handled by browser extensions.
I am a bit tired of seeing this topic come up again and again on Reddit or HN. You may have as well, asked if someone preferred blue or orange.
The choice of a programming language (without considering specific details of the application) is very subjective with a low signal to noise ratio. What looks aesthetic or ergonomic for others will most likely not apply to you.
For most practical applications things like the runtime, library ecosystem and other factors become more important and just "Rust or Golang for backend development?" isn't very helpful.
Also, why is the question always “Rust or go?”, excluding all other languages?
If that is “because those are the hip languages”, that’s not a good reason to make a choice for years. How long will they stay hip?
If it is an ideological choice, I don’t understand what the ideology is. Go is not more open than, say, C#, Java, or Swift (all open source, but backed by a huge company that largely controls the evolution of the language).
Rust is more of an underdog, being backed by a relatively, smaller player.
So, what’s the argument to limit the choice to these two?
But what you need out of those "other factors" varies based on your business requirements, which OP didn't share. What we're going to end up with (what we always end up with in these kind of threads) is ~35% of comments are from folks who've only ever used Go, so they suggest Go. ~35% are from those who've only used Rust, and they suggest Rust. ~20% are from people who've used both but in wildly different environments such that it's hard to do any real comparison. The remaining ~10% or less who have used both languages in suitably similar production-level environments are going to be split more-or-less evenly between the two because they've had different business constraints. An exceedingly small minority will have used both in the same business environment, and they're going to suggest whichever one they used second.
And that's even ignoring the much more important fact that there are about 50 other back-end languages that are likely as good or better candidates, but not trendy enough to warrant mentioning.
But what is the downside to what you are saying ? We have experiences from golang devs and rust devs all available to be compared here in a thread and other thread (the discussions change as time changes)
Isn't this why we are here ? Share what you have experience with, who even knows everything ?
They link the issue [1] tracking the change which also speaks about disabling cranelift.
To my knowledge cranelift was made for the purpose of compiling WebAssembly in Firefox, so I am not sure if I am missing something here (it's not yet production ready maybe). The Cranelift README[2] mentions that it will be a backend for IonMonkey.
I am a complete layman here so I am curious if someone here has a better understanding.
[1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1687626
[2] https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/tree/main/crane...