> They mention that they are working on another optimizing compiler Ion which will replace the cranelift compiler (which is still in nightly) as the new compiler for WebAssembly.
Ion (nee IonMonkey) predates Cranelift, being the natural evolution of Mozilla's previous SpiderMonkey JITs. From your link:
"Prototyping work (bug 1678097) has demonstrated that Ion can generate good code quickly for wasm on ARM64, and given that Ion has good stability and we know it well, we will ship it as the initial optimizing compiler for wasm on that platform."
The keyword being "initial"; it appears to just be saying that Ion is good enough to enable, with support for Cranelift being retained in the event that it ever surpasses IonMonkey in capability.
Ion (nee IonMonkey) predates Cranelift, being the natural evolution of Mozilla's previous SpiderMonkey JITs. From your link:
"Prototyping work (bug 1678097) has demonstrated that Ion can generate good code quickly for wasm on ARM64, and given that Ion has good stability and we know it well, we will ship it as the initial optimizing compiler for wasm on that platform."
The keyword being "initial"; it appears to just be saying that Ion is good enough to enable, with support for Cranelift being retained in the event that it ever surpasses IonMonkey in capability.