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Reddit and SignalApp has also been banned by cantv:



fun fact, Maduro's announcement of X blocking, was made on X


cause they did not release any official statement, they only read those numbers on national TV and 8 hours later they made maduro sign the papers as a winners.

now, more than 72 hours after elections, we still dont know the results and there is not a single place to check the acts or the numbers by pooling center.

it was all fraud.

Let me present to you the official site with the results of the actual results of the presidential elections that were held on July 28, 2024. This site serves as proof of the fraud that occurred in the election.

These elections determined whether Maduro or Edmundo Gonzalez would be president of the country.

The official government results were presented by the National Electoral Council A.k.a. (CNE) on television during the night of July 28 and have not been published elsewhere.

The results announced were as follows:

Nicolas Maduro with 5,150,092 votes for a 51.20 %.

Edmundo González with 4,445,978 for a 44.20 %.

Others with a total of 462,704 for a 4,60 %.

Note that the decimals of these results add up perfectly, as if they had been calculated with excel. as explained on https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41123155

The site https://resultadosconvzla.com/ allows you to view the results of 24,576 (81.85%) of the 30,026 polling stations available and has been put together in a collective effort to avoid fraud.

The actual results, so far are:

Edmundo Gonzalez 7,173,152 votes for a 67%.

Nicolás Maduro 3,250,424 votes for a 30%.

Others 251,446 votes with a 2%

cool read but this article misses pretty much the biggest factor in the whole history and is that no matter how much you think about this "problem", it will always be defeated by the players will to win or take advantage

lets remember after all, games and virtuals worlds, are that, games and virtuals worlds, so players have pretty much nothing to lose in trying to exploit whatever system you put in place

so if you are a gamemaster/game dev/etc, noone cares how much time or resources you invest in thinking how to solve the land crisis or housing crisis, you wont solve it and at the end if you put the most complex system or the most punisheable on you will most likely end up with your player base actually quitting or not interested in playing your game or following your rules.

so its actually just about to just accepting that there will be a land crisis or housing crisis and that you will just have to look the other way and let it be, cause at the end you might just end up killing your own game by going with the full try hard way.

theres actually silly solutions that have been proven to be good, like for example, adding new areas with the updates thus rendering the old areas useless and having people repeat the cycle of trying to be the new ones in those areas

or the favourite of all the game publishers, just tax with ingame credits that can only be purchased with $$$, so everyone is happy haha

btw, most of games end up failing trying to solve this land crisis or housing crisis cause while the focus so much on that, they have bigger problems that affect direct on it like currency inflation, RMT, gold farming and even more deep problems like cheating/botting

club penguin not on this list, RIP

yeah its fully down, i was even thinking that i got some kind of ban or something, but it'ts just not working, or working as intended, not sure at this point

what are the differences with just talking with the chat on bard?

the funny thing about outlook is not even mentioned here, it seems that they have absolutely no spam filter? I get more spam (and the stupid obvious one, like 2004 phishing methods) into my outlook inbox than into my gmail throwaway email intentionally created to receive spam and crap signups, it just baffles me

They definitely have anti spam. It's great at triggering on emails from a self hosted email server.

I've been maintaining one for a few years and have pretty good deliverability. 95% of the time when there's an issue it's Outlook/Hotmail marking me as spam. And no I don't do email marketing or newsletters.

Yeah, love all the innovation and competition in the mail clients nowadays. You sell your data to big companies or you get spam blocked by these companies, if you self host.

Why google would invent better email sender validation procedures and encryption, if the current system works pretty well for them.

We use outlook for work. The only emails that go to my spam are new sales appointments from Salesforce. Just the most important, time-sensitive emails that I recieve. No matter how much I mess with the settings nor how many I flag as not spam, Microsoft is adamant that it's spam.

Salesforce meeting requests are spam. I get several dozen unsolicited first-contact meeting requests per week from sales weasels at companies I’ve never done business with. Most have salesforce or pardot references in the headers.

A CRM system has no business sending these out to leads who’ve never consented and are simply imported from Zoominfo or whatever. I’m glad MSFT finally started spam-binning them.

Not meeting requests. Not sent to the prospects.

Appointments. Sent to the salesmen.

Our office staff takes phone calls, emails, and website submissions from prospects -- they then have to let a salesman know that someone wants an inspection and estimate. The best and easiest way to do this is by creating an appointment for the salesman best suited for the job which will block off some of their schedule to connect with the prospect and set up an on-site meeting. This also sends an email to the salesman assigned to the new prospect [This is the part where MSFT spam filter tells me to GFY]. We don't send out emails to prospects until they give us their email directly.

If you would've actually read my comment, you would see that you didn't respond to anything I said but just made up your own idea of what I said then talked past me.

he has infinite supply of money to pay any fine, i dont really understand the fine amount, whats the porpouse of it, u either force them to destroy the whole exchange or just try to make their complete reputation go down but this looks like the govt getting some pocket money and letting them keep doing nasty things overseas and thats it?

that's what fines are for.

most people criticize fines as a mere check for the offender belonging to some moneyed elite and nothing else.

fines are not replacement for civil law. if anyone think they were wronged, that's the only way. not a magically proactive government becoming their patents.

Well its better to read this than reading all the other threads with thousands of comments

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