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Salesforce meeting requests are spam. I get several dozen unsolicited first-contact meeting requests per week from sales weasels at companies I’ve never done business with. Most have salesforce or pardot references in the headers.

A CRM system has no business sending these out to leads who’ve never consented and are simply imported from Zoominfo or whatever. I’m glad MSFT finally started spam-binning them.

Not meeting requests. Not sent to the prospects.

Appointments. Sent to the salesmen.

Our office staff takes phone calls, emails, and website submissions from prospects -- they then have to let a salesman know that someone wants an inspection and estimate. The best and easiest way to do this is by creating an appointment for the salesman best suited for the job which will block off some of their schedule to connect with the prospect and set up an on-site meeting. This also sends an email to the salesman assigned to the new prospect [This is the part where MSFT spam filter tells me to GFY]. We don't send out emails to prospects until they give us their email directly.

If you would've actually read my comment, you would see that you didn't respond to anything I said but just made up your own idea of what I said then talked past me.

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