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X(Twitter) has been banned in Venezuela following orders of president Maduro (twitter.com/vesinfiltro)
2 points by firekvz 37 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Reddit and SignalApp has also been banned by cantv:



fun fact, Maduro's announcement of X blocking, was made on X


I feel like there should be a contengency for social platform so that they can still be accessed without vpn if they are banned by dictators.

Social platform are like water for modern age.They must be purified to consume but not outight banned.

How do you access a blocked server without a vpn/proxy? You can keep adding IPs but that doesn't scale and there are more ways to block than just IP bans. A government has infinitely more resources to waste than a company that needs to be profitable. Governments will happily dedicate a hundred-people team just to eradicate your site, if it helps the politicians in charge.

I'm not in country under dictator - but would also like to know - how to reliably access Twitter link without account.

there are some alternative frontends although I am not aware of the innerworking


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