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Well said! I totally agree. Sorry you had to read the grandparent message, OP.

(To be clear I am agreeing with the author of the article!)

We have a very similar setup (except s/Next.js/Remix) and went with npm workspaces + Task [1], and it's working really, really well so far. This is our second iteration of a monorepo (first one was a straight React SPA bundled with Vite instead of Remix).

We have a root Taskfile that references our JS and Go taskfiles and wraps / abstracts all tasks. It's good for dependency management and task orchestration (`task lint` will run lint in both JS and Go for example, and `task test` does the same).

TypeScript sharing between packages can be a lil' funky, but so far it's super solid. Happy to share more if it would be helpful.

The nice thing is that this just relies on npm, which means setup is simple and straightforward, and we benefit from all of the stability and continual improvements npm brings to the table.

[1]: https://taskfile.dev/

I would tend to agree with your last (speculative) point. The breakdown lies in communicating this to students and ensuring that each student receives adequate support at their own pace and style of learning.

What is a disproportionate amount of people are claiming to require a slower pace and visual-only learning style?

They very well may! Unfortunately, since our approach to teaching how to learn is flawed to the core, it results in peoples' ability to learn being compromised from the very beginning, requiring them to build their knowledge base and learning approach on shaky foundations.

The way to correct this is by imbuing students with the confidence and skills required to learn (according to their style of learning) correctly from the very beginning, so that they build on solid foundations instead.

I guess what I’m saying is that the whole learning styles stuff seems to be bunk.

Learning stuff is secondary? Found your problem.

School shouldn't be primarily about experiencing social interaction. It's an artificial environment that disappears as soon as you graduate, and which you'll never find again anywhere else in society. You can learn social interaction in plenty of other settings, most of which are vastly more efficient and realistic. Admittedly, none of them function as daycare...

School should be (and used to be) about learning to learn, building mental discipline and a base of knowledge sufficient to bootstrap whatever other studies appeal to the student, even more so than memorizing a particular list of facts. But it seems that that position has been largely abandoned.

Actually, until the mid 20th century almost everyone agreed that school was about building character, which can only be done in a social environment. As a British government report put it in 1846, schools should be "a little artificial world of virtuous exertion".

I believe we agree? Character and mental discipline are closely aligned, perhaps even the same.

Character was specifically moral character, which is related to how you interact with others.

Mmh, I have to read more about this, I'm not really familiar with British schooling models of the 19th century.

In any case, the problematic schooling model that persists to this day was introduced around the time of the Industrial Revolution, which predates your references.

I don't think the schooling of that period was the same as the schooling of today in all regards.

You could read more in my book: https://www.wyclifsdust.com.

Learning stuff is 100% secondary. If it wasn't these two below would have same-ish chances in life/career.

Student A: Went to College X and majored in Y. Finished all XXX number of credits and graduated with Bachelor's Degree

Student B: Went to same College X and majored in same Y. Finished all XXX-1 number of credits so is 1 credit short and never got a degree.

Student B is worthless even though she/he learned exactly the same thing as Student A. School (especially in USA) never was and never will be about learning ...

I agree that learning is secondary in practice, but in theory is the whole point of school, and society would be a lot better off if we managed to draw theory and practice closer together.

In your example, I would argue you haven't taken my position to its required logical extent. I don't believe in the value of college degrees at all, the way things are currently structured, and I would discourage my kids from going to college unless they had a very specific career path in mind for which the degree is required. The measurement of learning has become the goal of learning, unfortunately.

This is circular, how do you propose making school about that? If you’re only goal is to maximize the folks who like to obey authority then great, and maybe that’s all you care to do, and maybe you don’t care about losing the kids who don’t have the academics to make it, but you also lose a whole mess of kids at the top end of the spectrum too.

I'm not sure which part of my comment would result in maximizing folks who like to obey authority. I'm more focused on improving individual outcomes in terms of functional individuals, their quality of life, and the contributions they're able to make to society as a whole.

In any case, we homeschool.

I haven't really considered how to improve schooling at scale (particularly in an affordable way), but my proposal would be to introduce a _lot_ more granularity to schooling by eliminating the idea of grades and classes and focusing more on individual assessment.

Obviously this is likely cost prohibitive, but perhaps promoting and subsidizing homeschooling and homeschool co-ops is a good start in that direction, and could give rise to more cost-effective solutions over time. Not all parents are equipped to homeschool, but homeschooling does make use of resources which could be improved and which others could leverage as well.

I’m mixed, I definetly wouldn’t home school my kids and it doesn’t seem scalable and I do think there’s value in a population having a shared identity from education, but, at least from my own experience I suspect my kids will have their most valuable academic opportunities outside of school.

"You can learn social interaction in plenty of other settings, most of which are vastly more efficient and realistic."

What settings are those?

Community gardens, sports, religious or interest groups, collectives, contributing in a large household, early work experience, hobbies/interests. It probably is a fairly finite list because societies have optimized for the individual and people are often only active within of a community at work or in education facilities. So a part of a solution in my view would be establishing more communities that are separate from the family... they might look a lot like schools though, so maybe we should just focus on those? There's more need for new communities to be established for other age ranges.

I pretty much agree 100%. We need more, smaller communities – and we need them offline.

Notably, this is largely an American problem, since America is built around cars, which given the capitalist nature of American society proves to be antithetical to establishing local communities.

European and other countries, whose layouts and culture were established in pedestrian days, are much better off in this regard.

Yes teaching how to learn is the way for schools, but it is hard to explain to kids and lots of adults.

Just a nitpick that school enforcing memorizing particular list of facts or memorizing poems - is indeed teaching people how to learn, because how else will you explain to a child or an adult "hey you know if you read this thing 10 times and then try to repeat it another 20 times from memory - guess what !!! that is one trick to learn to memorize something."

But if they spend time on finding out how to memorize hand picked for them stuff and how to perform on exams on limited and picked topics - that sounds like they will be able to learn anything but still too many don't realize what the real lesson there is.

If the goal is learning how to memorize, I think it would be better to have specific courses or lessons on memorization rather than making all the subjects needlessly boring and stressful just for the sake of learning memorization techniques.

Knowing how to memorize is occasionally useful depending on one’s profession, but I don’t think it deserves such a heavy emphasis. People naturally remember what is interesting and useful to them. Force-feeding facts or dates or speeches or poems into memory is not fun and has very little educational value. That time and energy would be much better spent on projects that use and integrate the knowledge.

“It's an artificial environment that disappears as soon as you graduate, and which you'll never find again anywhere else in society.”

Whoa there, society functions like a school environment.

You have cliches, bullies, enforcers, popular kids, the weirdos, etc.

What are our political parties other than massive cliches?

Bullies you can meet on the road, in stores, and nearly any other place you go.

Enforcers are police, detention centers, and fines.

Popular kids you need look no further than influencers, movie stares, etc.

The weirdos are anyone that doesn’t fit into our cliches.

Also, Foucault would have a few words with you as society is also an artificial environment.

The drama of daily life that plays out just happens in a larger more chaotic scale, but when we left highschool, highschool never left us.

I won’t contest you entirely, but I do ask this: if society functions like a school environment, why do we need a school environment to learn social interaction? It seems at best a secondary or tertiary benefit of a structure that should primarily be focused on intellectual learning. It’s a facsimile of the real world, and facsimiles are always lacking.

Also, I think the biggest thing that present in school environments but missing from other environments is the forced segregation by age range, which prevents the more organic tribal self-organizational practices to which humans have adapted over tens or hundreds of thousands of years.

And I would also add that there are degrees of artificiality and what really matters is not so much whether we have constructed our environments so much as whether or not they have stood the test of time, and adapted to us as much as we’ve adapted to them.

How does being an employee differ so much from being a student? You still get either good or bad grades for your work. You do assignments, get rules and processes you have to follow, play well with your fellow students/colleagues, etc.

I would say it's quite similar.

I'm mostly talking about the rather artificial division of students into grades of equal ages without taking into account the individual's proclivities, abilities and achievements. This separation is entirely contrary to organic human self-organization (even in work places) from a tribal perspective and results in a great deal of social illnesses (bullying, cliques, etc.) that are, although found elsewhere, exacerbated by the artificiality of the group-making (which is necessary for the public school model as it currently exists today to function).

At age 12, kids get split up in groups according to their abilities, no?

Not sure what you're referring to, tbh. Are you talking about the occasional student being promoted or held back a grade? If so, I would say that isn't a granular enough separation to be meaningful.

At least in Belgium, at 12, kids get divided into different schools and systems. You can go into trades, which expects you to be ready at 18 to go work as a plumber, electrician, mechanic, secretary, cook, etc. Or you go towards higher education and so get more focus on math and/or languages. At 18 you are expected to not be ready for the job market but study further.

For my own kids, you really see the differences at 11 to become more profound in their classroom, where some are running behind while others excel. So I saw that 12 is indeed the age where a split is necessary.

You don't have that?

Edit: After some Wikipeding, I see you really don't have that. Wow, that is crazy in my opinion. I have no clue how you could ever organize those differences among students. Here is the system of Belgium: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Belgium.

For example my daughter is 12 and she is in a class "STEM and moderns languages". Very focussed on programming, science, math, and they also get Dutch, French and English. Some of her classmates at the end of the schooyear had to switch because their grades weren't good enough.

So in Belgium, there are even different schools for different tracks.

That sounds so dystopian. What do kids even do at 12? How can you ask them to decide the course of their life at 12, generally they get segregated while choosing an undergrad major around 16 right!

At 12, there are already big differences among them.

Let's divide it into kids that like to learn vs kids that like to work with their hands. The 2nd group would learn how to work with metal, wood, .... Way more practical stuff, very little theory. The other group is the reverse of course.

At 16, some kids are really tired of sitting in a classroom. For example plumber track would have these 16 year olds already doing an internship with real plumbers. At 18 they can start their own company already.

It's also no secret that a 16 year old in Belgium learns math that in US you would only see at higher education.

I think it works great, and what I saw with my 2 oldest is that last year when they are all still together at age 11, the learning differences really start to show. It's neither fun for the smart ones nor for the slower ones.

Probably talking about student tracking. It was definitely a thing at my school.


Definitely not everywhere.

Work environments tend to be class sorted. You also have recourse to handle people who behave horribly towards you. Disruptors are removed. Everyone is generally aligned towards the same goal. The two are vastly different.

Anyone who hits someone, says truly horrible shit about others, doesn’t do the job at all, constantly distracts others while doing a poor job themselves, blatantly sexually harasses people, et c, is highly likely to get fired from a job, and may go to prison.

The same person as a student, gets tons of chances before maybe having to leave. Depending on what they’re doing, you could just be stuck with them for north of a decade. No escape.

I mean, we can joke about how actually such people still exist at work, but it’s a far less widespread problem and manifests differently.

You can look for other jobs if you want out of a bad work environment. Probably, you’ll be able to find somewhere else to go. Getting out of a bad class is way harder.

There’s a couple huge differences.

As discussed in another thread already, it seems my own Belgian system differs very much from the US system. (I basically found out with this discussion :D)

And to be honest, I have no idea how you can make the US system work, so I probably agree with you. Come to Belgium and let your kids study here :D.

I had no idea that Belgium has already implemented a lot of this stuff! That is amazing and gives me a lot of hope.

I wonder if there’s literature analyzing Belgian academic outcomes alongside American academic outcomes.

> The pandemic showed us exactly what children would prefer to do, when they don't have a physical teacher standing over them, which is bugger all.

This is not true. The pandemic showed us exactly what children who are accustomed to being force-fed information and whose natural learning mechanisms and curiosity have been suppressed in favor of a generalized one-size-fits-all approach do when suddenly removed from the only learning paradigm they've ever been exposed to.

My kids (not yet old enough for school) are extremely self-motivated to learn and explore the world around them. So am I, and that never went away over the course of a full homeschool education.

Totally incorrect. The vast majority of the population are relying on schools and teachers to potty train, teach manners, instill excitement for learning and basically do everything a parent should be doing. Large number of kids have no real parent figure and thats from all types of backgrounds. We are not talking about kids who have strong households where learning and general manners are being taught.

I agree with you, but fail to see how our viewpoints are mutually exclusive?

While different teaching styles have their pros and cons, and a more hands-on approach might yield better results, the problem over the past 5-10 years is that many children lack parental support. Regardless of the pedagogy style chosen, without parents providing a strong foundation, meaningful progress in the classroom is unlikely.

Your kids clearly have a present parent who is engaged, it is a stark difference to many other kids.

It seems like that’s a societal problem that should be tackled at a societal level, rather than a fundamental failing of students.

It’s not something schools can fix, regardless of the style of pedagogy chosen; so why not improve school in its area of focus, and introduce solutions to students’ home life at the same time?

Easier said than done, I know, but focusing on the wrong area will get even less done.

The ignorance of this post is astounding.

You and your kids are not typical of society at large.

Could you elaborate? I would like to be less ignorant, if possible.

I went to public high school, public community college, and college. None of these experiences have changed my opinion, but rather informed it.

> Deco.cx is the frontend platform that bridges the gap between basic no-code site builders and complex full-code setups

Is it possible to edit a site in both no-code editor and a full-code editor? Once you edit in the full-code editor, is it possible to continue editing in the no-code editor? Are changes from the full-code editor preserved in this case?

The biggest challenge I have found in integrating no-code and full-code lies in preserving changes made in full-code mode when updates are made in no-code mode.

Something something scroll hijacking.

Also, would love to be able to pause the auto-scroll banner highlighting the various features ("Section Library", "No Code Editor", "Full Code Editor", etc.)

Site looks awesome and modern, good stuff! In another life I would be very excited about this platform.

> Something something scroll hijacking.

I know, right? I'm also not super proud of that portion of the landing, lol!

> The biggest challenge I have found in integrating no-code and full-code lies in preserving changes made in full-code mode when updates are made in no-code mode.

God, YES! We've been working in this problem in one way or another for at least 10 years, and we also failed many times in solving that conciliation. We _think_ we have reached a good tradeoff now: _everything is on git_. So when you're using our web editor, you are basically using a "remote computer" (actually a Cloudflare Durable) to edit your files, just as if you cloned it on your local machine. When you're happy with changes, you "publish" it - which generates a commit for you. This way we can have developers and content creators happy, both sharing the same history.

> Site looks awesome and modern, good stuff! In another life I would be very excited about this platform.

Thank you! It's been a crazy one and a half year building this and we're now a team of 30 people all over Brazil. We thank you for the recognition!

I mean it definitely looks like it.

How did you manage the terminal? How do you use it?

Blink works great. Not as a local terminal, but it’s very good for remote shells.

I've used Terminus and Prompt in the past on iOS. For remote dev work over SSH using nvim.

I am.

What do you do with it? How often? Is it your first headset?

Primarily using it for software development. I'm a web dev. I'm on day three of all-day usage (~8hrs, with breaks) and my experience has improved with each day, both in terms of comfort and as I get used to visionOS. I have 10 windows open in front of me right now, including my calendars, Slack, Messages, Spotify (in Safari), ChatGPT, a reference browser for documentation, and a few other odds and ends. My main front and center window is my 4k MacBook Pro 16" screen in 1080p (larger than that and the screen is too large for me or the text too small, but I prefer slightly larger text usually).

I've also used it for reading, watching movies, and reminiscing over old photos. Something I don't think that has really been captured well in reviews is how incredible it is to look at life-size recreations of photos you took on your phone, even plain old 2D ones. There's something really special about seeing a photo at life-size scale wherever you want, even if you technically can achieve this with a massive projector. And that's to say nothing of the bittersweet nostalgic nature of spatial video / photos, which has, if anything, been profoundly understated.

It is not my first headset. Previous to the AVP, I owned Quests 1, 2, and 3, and I experienced the Rift before that. I tried, hard, to work all day in each of the Quests as that was my primary use case for them, but flamed out after a couple of hours every time.

What do you think of the AVP’s potential as a DAM tool, at least for hobbyists? Obviously a Lightroom subscription is way, way cheaper, but it seems like it would be awesome to have a native solution that ties in with iCloud sync and lets you blow up your photos to huge size for side-by-side comparisons.

For my own curiousity: how do you type? As in, does the VP have like a... idk, hologram keyboard or something?

It does, but you can connect a Bluetooth keyboard, which is what I do.

Or, if you are using virtual desktop, you can use your mouse and keyboard to control VP natively as well. The only drawback is that this may not work if you are on VPN (even if the desktop comes through OK). I'm hoping this is a software issue that will get straightened out soon.

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