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This was going to be my complaint with the headset as well. I use 2x 49" super ultrawide displays, as well as 2x 27" 4k displays. Lots of real estate.

But then I started to think harder about what I was consuming display space with, and started to peel those things out into their Vision or iPad app equivalents. I'll not get into the obvious trade-offs of using iPad apps, but it largely suits the need.

Once I had Slack, Outlook, a Terminal, and TablePlus floating separately from the Mac display, I started to see a path toward potentially not caring if I even had the Mac display.

How did you manage the terminal? How do you use it?

Blink works great. Not as a local terminal, but it’s very good for remote shells.

I've used Terminus and Prompt in the past on iOS. For remote dev work over SSH using nvim.

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