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One of my friends who got a Vision Pro is disappointed in its use as a monitor, but only because he has multiple large monitors on his Mac, yet you can only set up one 4k display inside the Vision Pro, so it ends up being effectively much smaller and lower resolution for him.

Slightly different problem, but related. I'm sure it'll get there over time.

This was going to be my complaint with the headset as well. I use 2x 49" super ultrawide displays, as well as 2x 27" 4k displays. Lots of real estate.

But then I started to think harder about what I was consuming display space with, and started to peel those things out into their Vision or iPad app equivalents. I'll not get into the obvious trade-offs of using iPad apps, but it largely suits the need.

Once I had Slack, Outlook, a Terminal, and TablePlus floating separately from the Mac display, I started to see a path toward potentially not caring if I even had the Mac display.

How did you manage the terminal? How do you use it?

Blink works great. Not as a local terminal, but it’s very good for remote shells.

I've used Terminus and Prompt in the past on iOS. For remote dev work over SSH using nvim.

Apple is rumoured to be testing multi-monitor support:


Apple only ever promised it would mirror one 4K display. They announced that clearly when they introduced it.

It does that as well as the promised, but nothing more.

Sure, I (nor they) am not accusing Apple of being misleading. That doesn't change that there's room for improvement.

True - I just found it surprising that someone bought it and was then disappointed that it didn't do something that was never suggested it would do.

He didn’t buy it for that specifically, he bought it because he wanted to see what it was like. This is like one sentence of many discussions we’ve had about it. Lots of pros, lots of cons.

Ah - fair enough. It sounded like it was one of the reasons he was interested in it.

Agreed - lots of pros. Not sure 'cons' is the right word, since there is no competing product, but I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone.

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