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Indeed, and I see plenty of reasons to listen to him. Khan Academy helped me immensely in college for free and Sal Khan has been at it for what, 17 years now?

I'm pretty sure he has a better than average grasp on what it means to learn and how to improve the process. And even more importantly, he's trying to! If not him, then who should we listen to?

I don't have a clue why GP reduces Sal to "good at explaining things" when Khan Academy is so much bigger than just him for a long time now. And I, for one, am very grateful that he exists. People in first world countries can't imagine the impact that free access to great education resources has in the rest of the world, like in my case.

> At the gym, people assume anyone with big muscles must be an expert in medicine. Let's not make the same mistake here.

The gym analogy falls short to me. The mistake here is assuming that someone that worked in education for almost two decades, and has achieved extraordinary results in the mean time, doesn't have any clue about education in general.

Likewise. Sal Khan has been instrumental in de democratization of education.

I believe they are using https://readme.com/

I worked in hardware a few years ago at a small shop and I'm just chiming in with a basic reply. I hope people with experience at larger scale could elaborate further.

I believe what you are looking for is a product lifecycle management (PLM) software.

I'm not certain at which scale it makes sense, but the team was looking at Teamcenter from Siemens at the time: https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/global/en/products/te...

It seems expensive but very complete.

We shipped around 500-1000 units per year and as the devices were sensors/actuators connected to the internet which we continuously supported, we kept device information in a RDBMS on our backend. We registered them via NFC after they left the factory and configured them afterwards on installation.

If you're looking more for post-sales servicing, depending on the team's skill set and device service volume, I reckon you could wrangle all this in Excel/Airtable.

Can you expand on "still not working for us"?

We had the same problem here. What we implemented is:

1. Have a separate step on the project management board describing "In Review" (QA) and "Deployed" (in production)

2. Interested parties (sales and marketing teams, for instance) should have "Observer" access in the ticketing system and follow relevant issues

Alternatively, you can ditch the Observer access and do the release notes based on what was "Deployed". If learning how to navigate the ticketing system generates friction for your interested parties, this can work better. Not an issue for us as everyone uses the same system to track their tasks.

Thanks this makes a lot of sense. Going to try some things out and will let you know about the results.

Glad to help! Feel free to shoot an email if you want to chat or throw ideas around about this or other issues you may be facing as a new CTO. The address is on my profile.

Thanks, serverlessmom! Knowing that posting this was worthwhile for someone else made my day!

I "discovered" this some a few weeks ago while watching my co-founder sell very well. Afterwards, we were discussing it and I said, "man, you should see my brain when I'm programming, it's kind of amazing!" and then it dawned on me what was happening. A mixture of a visual language, with elements from both English and Brazilian Portuguese, and the abstract CS concepts.

When he sells, I'm sure he has his own internal language to do it. He doesn't think about objections, how to answer a specific question, etc. anymore. He just does it. It's kind of fascinating, and the universe is fascinating too. Learning every day!

I'm the one who has to thank you for sharing -- good luck too!

Haha! No wonder I have so many issues with:

  - though  
  - through  
  - rough  
  - cough  
  - thought
Thanks for the link, jjgreen. Very interesting, and certainly tricky.

Cool points, coolgeek and ogwh. Totally agree on paying attention to detail. I think that we go too far from understanding the fundamentals, and that cripples us.

Being there is the first step. If you aren't "there", paying attention, everything is way, way harder.

If you don't focus on what your tongue, mouth and the air is doing, how are you going to learn to pronounce better? We just try a bunch of things and see what sticks -- not very efficient.

Thanks for the comments, they made me reflect a lot.

Thanks, devKnight! I'll take a look at the book.

I totally agree about (1), and glad to know your experience with shadowing was helpful. How did you do it?

Shadowing is rather simple but highly effective. The way i did it at least, involved ripping the audio from tv shows in French. And listening to them on my phone as i would music, while trying to say the characters lines with the same tonality, pronunciation etc etc.

The objective is to try and be as close as possible to the recording. You would use the same recording/s over and over again. To try and hit all the right notes when it comes to expressions and all that. This is a sort of dry run of having fluid conversations.

Do this, everyday for an amount of time that works for you say 20 minutes or so while taking a walk, or while working. It really helps, and to me somehow connected the words i "knew" but my brain never detected when someone said it in a tv show, movie, podcast, let alone a youtube video or something informal like that. Shadowing made things click for me not just in pronunciation but in listening.

Its weird to explain it, as you kinda have to go through it. Its a minimal task with lots of benefits.

To understand more about it, I really liked reading this book: https://drgabormate.com/book/scattered-minds/

It's also made by the same person who created LuaRocks and htop.

I'm personally hoping tl or something will take off as the de-facto TypeScript for Lua. I'm already convinced that types are better. I'd use types all the time if I could. It's just that not a whole lot of people seem to care about Lua, even with how fast LuaJIT is, so you have to compromise with projects adding types to Lua that are only in their infancy, assuming they'll still be around after a couple of years. TypeScript has proven that gradual typing can be done right and had a bunch of innovations I never would have thought of (the keyof operator for creating a type of "the set possible key names of T" for instance). Having that kind of power in Lua on top of one of the fastest JIT compilers on Earth is my dream.

Together with Teal, LuaJIT can become a very safe platform. Vela (fork with many improvements to LuaJIT) has optional, native recursive immutability built into the JIT for Lua-land objects and also compiles next() to dig pairs out of the nyi hole.

Also Moon+ (even more expression version of MoonScript) is considering implementing the teal checker natively: https://github.com/pigpigyyy/MoonPlus/issues/15

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