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Can you expand on "still not working for us"?

We had the same problem here. What we implemented is:

1. Have a separate step on the project management board describing "In Review" (QA) and "Deployed" (in production)

2. Interested parties (sales and marketing teams, for instance) should have "Observer" access in the ticketing system and follow relevant issues

Alternatively, you can ditch the Observer access and do the release notes based on what was "Deployed". If learning how to navigate the ticketing system generates friction for your interested parties, this can work better. Not an issue for us as everyone uses the same system to track their tasks.

Thanks this makes a lot of sense. Going to try some things out and will let you know about the results.

Glad to help! Feel free to shoot an email if you want to chat or throw ideas around about this or other issues you may be facing as a new CTO. The address is on my profile.

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