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I'll bite: I did.

My logic: almost everyone who succeeds did so with a trail of 'no' behind them and the only way to get those is to put yourself out there. YC's application was something I labored over for a couple weeks and feel I got a great deal of value from that process alone... this is no different and I would have hoped that everyone applied.

Ditto that.

I applied as well.

Congratulations, man! I'm transitioning to this sort of thing myself (going from 6 figures to a pt gig, 2 days a week).

My suggestion: get a whiteboard, now. Don't do anything but decompress for the next few days (i.e.. fuck off) and write anything that comes to mind about your startup.

One of the most important processes for the human brain is externalization: it's why talking about problems helps as you can't think feelings... but you can write them down and later think about them.

I'd wager you're quite emotionally charged right now, hence the paralysis, so just start writing (don't erase anything) and sort it out next week. Things will be much clearer then.

Best of luck to you!

> Don't do anything but decompress for the next few days

Decided to enjoy the great weather here, drive around a lot and play with legos :) The real work starts tomorrow

Where is here? Legos rule... Mindstorm?

Here = union square.

Legos: decided to spring for the new lego trains 7938, 7939, 10194, and 10219. For some reason the train crashes arent as satisfying as i hoped ...

The new mindstorms aren't as satisfying as I remember (and maybe the trains are more enjoyable because I didn't get them when i was younger ...

I'd get Rachel Sequoia to design mine.

I've had the opportunity to meet with and talk with Woz before. The man really can't be anything but honest and he just loves talking - to anyone - about technology. He's almost the anti-Apple in that respect.

Going through their application... I think their Challenge should be to really revamp it. I feel like I have to click Save after ever field or I'll be redirected to some random page when I click "Next."

"If You’re Not Paying for It; You’re the Product" source: http://lifehacker.com/#!5697167/if-youre-not-paying-for-it-y... (ok, actually from MetaFilter user blue_beetle)

I can't help myself http://cheks.in/eRFqrz

For me, I am not motivated by money but rather motivated by the things I can continue to create with larger sums of it. I am a creator, inventor by nature... I've done it all my life.

Having the money to sort out the pithy details of day-to-day life like food, shelter, etc. and simultaneously funding my insane garage projects I embark upon constantly is a nice-to-have but not an expectation.

Really, in the end, I just want to build a legion of robotic minions.

I can understand your disappointment but at the time of your posting it was barely the 7th. It seems you have already discounted yourself long before today happened... which is a shame.

It IS Mac vs PC all over again. The main reason PC "won" initially was because it got the consumer mindshare first and became more rapidly adopted by the masses.

As for the specs you're throwing out: my mom doesn't care about specs, cores, or whatever a GPU-whatsitdoozy is. Android will win with the hardcore nerd/tech-enthusiast like the 360/PS3 won with the hardcore gamer... Apple/Nintendo is for everyone else.

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