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How to Build an Effective Startup Press Kit (sprouter.com)
43 points by erin_bury on April 8, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Careful; this is the kind of thing you can burn a lot of time and money on without seeing a dime of improved outcome. The companies that get the most continuous media attention aren't getting it because of their press kits.

If I hired a marketing person (it's been considered) and they told me they were going to spend a week or two making hard-copy designer-y drop-off press kits, I'd have a very hard conversation with them about business objectives.

Definitely agreed - it's not the key to getting media attention, but it makes it easier. Shouldn't take more than a few hours to put together a press kit. To me a hard copy press kit is more of a launch buzz activity than PR, and also shouldn't take long.

If you want to see the best example of how to this you need only to look at


This is the reason it is rare to see a scrappy image of any of Apple's products anywhere (and why Apple products often get used as stock material for other companies).

The Photoshop files are worth studying too - they are often layered and include proper colour-calibration points etc.

Apple treats the press with respect here - there are no stupid barriers to getting a story out (and no gimmicks either - just good clean copy and good clean images).

great example!

This is a solid example of some old-school PR.

I wouldn't recommend it to tech companies in general, though. In tech, it's a novelty that gets a few bonus points for being rare. But I think it can ultimately send the wrong message. The tech media is immersed in technology and they expect companies to distinguish themselves through technology.

Also, a good portion of them have a superiority complex against PR, and doing anything overtly PR-like will hurt your chances of getting covered. This isn't as bad as sending them a press release, but it's definitely a classic PR move, and for some that leaves a bad taste.

Remember, you're not trying to get people to write about you. You're trying to make it easy for people to write about you.

Dropping off a physical press kit that is unique and design~y enough might get some press coverage... about the kit itself.

I'd get Rachel Sequoia to design mine.

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