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This is a very typical Woz story. A reporter asks Woz a hypothetical question. Woz gives an honest answer. Reporter ignores the statistical insignificance of the hypothetical scenario and reports result as if it has 100% probability of happening.

This happens to many great thinkers.

Obligatory made-up scenario:

Reporter: "If you were in a plane crash in the Andes and the only food you could find was bodies of dead passengers would you eat them?"

Thinker: "Hmm.. interesting hypothetical scenario. It is of course impossible to know what anyone would do in such a situation without experiencing it, but it is obvious that the logical thing to do is to eat the bodies so you can be strong enough to seek help. Whether I personally could eat a human is not yet proven."

Reporter: "Cannibal!!!"

I've had the opportunity to meet with and talk with Woz before. The man really can't be anything but honest and he just loves talking - to anyone - about technology. He's almost the anti-Apple in that respect.

Of course there's an XKCD comic about that: http://xkcd.com/799/

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