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I feel like most-everything about these models gets really ethically-grey — at worst — very quickly.

> 3) People will guard their data more and will be less willing to share it.

I recently came across this myself when writing a reply on another forum. A feeling of reluctance to attempt to contribute something maybe-useful in a public, 'minable' space.

Almost feels like this has tarnished the 'magic' of Internet, of sharing information and knowledge. I'm not saying this is the appropriate reaction, but it is what it is.

> I recently came across this myself when writing a reply on another forum. A feeling of reluctance to attempt to contribute something maybe-useful in a public, 'minable' space

I used to be like this, but the reality is that ideas are a dime a dozen. Any idea that you or I (or anyone else) have had, have likely also been thought by thousands (or maybe add a few more 0's) of people.

What makes things happen is people not ideas. Talk to any VC or people involved in startups - it's all about the team, not the ideas they are working on.

Oh, somehow this kinda clicks for me.

Thank you!

Reminds me of:

> I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.

I've been a fan of Queal[0] for numerous years now. When these meals became popular I tried out a handful, and ended up liking Queal the most. Have stuck with it ever since.

A couple years back I tried out Huel, but I didn't quite get used to the flavoring. I find Queal's to be much less artificial-feeling and subtler. But it's probably all subjective.

- [0] https://queal.com/

There was a two-three year period where macOS would incessantly forget my display arrangement and orientation.

An Alfred action to run the displayplacer command and then after a second to activate my 'default' Moom window layout made for a great workaround.

Can you elaborate? I have this problem every day.. macOS just seems incapable of remembering my display arrangement.

It is typically because you have more than one of the same monitor with identical EDID information.

Documented and explained here: https://spin.atomicobject.com/2018/08/24/macbook-pro-externa...

Possible fix: https://gist.github.com/ejdyksen/8302862?permalink_comment_i...

I used to have two otherwise identical displays, but it still does it for me now that all of my displays are different. Notably, I think this stuff happens more when you have 3+ monitors. I don't remember having as many issues with just two displays.

I never managed to actually fix it. Maybe the links in the sibling comment can be of help there. But I feel like it became less of a nuisance after Monterey. Nowadays, it seems to move my app windows between displays after sleep, but that is resolved by applying the window layout snapshot from Moom.

My exact script seems to be gone — goes to show that I've not needed it for a while now — but the gist of my workaround was:

• I set up my display arrangement the way I wanted,

• followed the instructions in the displayplacer repo to work out a command to reproduce the desired arrangement,

• put the displayplacer command and the AppleSript call to Moom in the same shell script, with a short sleep between the two,

• and created an Alfred action to make it a tiny bit more convenient for myself.

The display arrangement would get out of sorts, but getting it back to my liking was just an Alfred action away.

You don't have to use Alfred or Moom specifically, those are just the convenience utilities I prefer.

I believe the bookmarks panel just defaults to half-height now. You can pull it up to fill the screen, but otherwise — tapping the button opens it at half-height for me.

It’s resizable by dragging the top of the drawer.

Same here. I wanted to upgrade from Xs to the 13 mini while mini is in the lineup, but found myself missing 3D Touch too much. Probably gonna hold on to the Xs until its EOL unless something really compelling gets added before then.

reddit provides RSS feeds: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/rss

The parent poster even acknowledged this.

The point is the feed is rate limited.

And you need one call per unique subreddit.

And Feedly's users collectively have more unique subreddits than the Reddit rate limit.

Ah, my bad. The reference to API made me think they're replicating RSS via the reddit API. I was not aware that RSS feeds are so rate-limited, too.

More on the subject, for anyone curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/help/comments/4u9tj8/rss_feeds_upda...

Strange; I can subscribe to user rss feeds in Newsblur.

I'm guessing Newsblur somehow rotates through all the users' collective RSS feeds in some manner to not trip the rate limit, which might explain why new posts don't show up immediately.

(Which is fine for me as a user; most of the reddit RSS feeds I subscribe to, I don't need to see immediately!)

It is a user experience choice. Most decent native macOS apps adhere to system conventions. Text editing works as one would expect in a system text field. Keyboard shortcuts behave as expected. Custom keyboard shortcut definitions from the Keyboard section in Preferences actually work. And on and on.

Slack in particular is extremely, extremely slow, even by Electron standards. I can't expand it to the full-height of a 4K (running at 1080p) portrait monitor without typing becoming unbearably laggy, so I either have to keep it at 1/3 monitor height, or have to use another application for writing the text.

it also has multiple accessibility issues for low vision users. I'd happily switch to a native client because using native widgets instead of HTML would likely address most, if not all, of my accessibility needs.

My experience suggests that this is true for most Apple products. It either works the way Apple has decided it should work, or it fails silently and mysteriously.

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