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> 3) People will guard their data more and will be less willing to share it.

I recently came across this myself when writing a reply on another forum. A feeling of reluctance to attempt to contribute something maybe-useful in a public, 'minable' space.

Almost feels like this has tarnished the 'magic' of Internet, of sharing information and knowledge. I'm not saying this is the appropriate reaction, but it is what it is.

> I recently came across this myself when writing a reply on another forum. A feeling of reluctance to attempt to contribute something maybe-useful in a public, 'minable' space

I used to be like this, but the reality is that ideas are a dime a dozen. Any idea that you or I (or anyone else) have had, have likely also been thought by thousands (or maybe add a few more 0's) of people.

What makes things happen is people not ideas. Talk to any VC or people involved in startups - it's all about the team, not the ideas they are working on.

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