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Does anyone have recommendations for meal replacement drinks like Soylent? I've been consuming Ample exclusively Monday-Friday for quite a while but it's super expensive. I've been looking at Huel since it's much cheaper but looking for opinions, especially from people who have tried both.

I tried Soylent before but I felt hungry pretty much immediately afterward.

I've been a fan of Queal[0] for numerous years now. When these meals became popular I tried out a handful, and ended up liking Queal the most. Have stuck with it ever since.

A couple years back I tried out Huel, but I didn't quite get used to the flavoring. I find Queal's to be much less artificial-feeling and subtler. But it's probably all subjective.

- [0] https://queal.com/

Soylent has a low Glycemic Index which might be why you don't feel full after consuming, despite having enough calories intake: https://soylent.com/blogs/news/soylent-has-a-low-glycemic-in...

Does any other meal replacement product have a published Glycemic Index number?

My best experience is with Huel Black (the high-protein one) for satiety.

However it has huge cons compared to Soylent: it tastes a little bad (as opposed to Soylent, which can be described as mostly inoffensive) and has the mouthfeel and texture of watery sand. Also, it's not intended to be your only food source.

I’ve had both many times, and with Soylent I experienced the exact same problem you’ve described. I tried to go “full Soylent” in college and I could drink 3000 calories of it and still feel hungry.

A couple of years ago I tried Huel Black and loved it. It’s way more satiating, healthier, and I actually enjoyed the taste. Unlike Soylent, it actually feels like food. I look forward to having it for breakfast each day.

My favorite flavors are Coffee Carmel and Chocolate. I highly recommend Huel Black over the regular Huel. Steer clear of the Cinnamon Roll flavor.

I canceled Soylent a couple of years ago after two silently-failing billing errors within a year and a rude customer service response. Looking for replacements, I ended up going with Huel.

It's been fine; I have had a couple of bad batches (too salty / bitter), but they replaced them. Switching from Soylent's ready-made drinks to Huel's mix-with-water powder was a small adjustment, but Huel's shaker bottle makes it easy. Soylent was fine unflavored for me (I'd describe it as "cheerio milk"), but with Huel their "original" flavor wasn't doing it for me so I've been ordering the chocolate. It's 1g of sugar, which doesn't bother me.

I'm just using it for a daily breakfast shake. I've never been that hungry in the mornings so can't comment on if you'll feel sated by it, but it works for me as a way to get some easy nutrition.

With Soylent, I found that if I wait until I'm hungry, I will still be hungry after I drink a glass. If I drink it before I get hungry, I don't get hungry.

Instead of my usual mealtimes of 8am, 1pm, 6pm I drink Solent at 8am, 12pm and 4:30pm; then I don't feel hungry throughout the day.

I've used Super Body Fuel on and off, and always been happy with the product. I haven't tried many others, so I can't really compare


When you say you tried soylent before, was it the powder or the liquid? The two are quite different.

It was the liquid.

Jimmy Joy, Supersonic, Yfood, Mana.

Huel’s quality control is …. Creative


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